AppliedBioinformatics / runBNG

An easy way to run BioNano genomic analysis
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no align files in alignFolder #21

Closed wangzhennan14 closed 3 years ago

wangzhennan14 commented 4 years ago

Hi, When I used runBNG to run denovo mode, there was an error as follow: ERROR: no align files in alignFolder /home/runBNG_denovo_ref/align Warning/Error messages: ('warning', 'Could not open file \"/home/runBNG_denovo_ref/align/exppairwise1of171.stdout\" tries=0 exception=[Errno 2] No such file or directory: \'/home/runBNG_denovo_ref/align/exppairwise1of171.stdout\'\n')

The command I ran was: runBNG denovo -t /home/bioSoft/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6_09252020/RefAligner/11442.11643rel/avx/ -s /home/Assembly/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6_09252020/ -b 01.runBNG_merged/runBNG_merged.bnx -T 80 -j 20 -z 1300 -o /home/runBNG_denovo_ref -r genome_DLE1_20kb_5labels.cmap -B 0 -P saphyr -l 100 -m 5 -a 1

I run denovo mode with the merge bnx file, the error also appeared. what is the matter? Could you help me to solve this problem? Thank you very much! wang

yyx8671 commented 4 years ago

Hi @wangzhennan14,

I saw you changed some parameter settings rather than using the defaults. Do you have evidence to change these settings, such as '-B', '-m'? By the way, the '-a' setting may be not correct, as from my observation, the density for DLE would not be 1 for most species.

Cheers, Andy

wangzhennan14 commented 4 years ago

Hi @yyx8671 , Then I used the example to ran runBNG and used the parameter as follow, ../runBNG denovo -t /home/bioSoft/Assembly/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6_09252020/RefAligner/11442.11643rel/ -b Molecules.bnx -T 100 -s /home/bioSoft/Assembly/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6_09252020/ -j 5 -z 100 -o /home/bioSoft/Assembly/runBNG/Examples/test And the error as follow, ERROR: no align files in alignFolder /home/bioSoft/Assembly/runBNG/Examples/test/align Warning/Error messages: ('warning', 'Found text in \"/home/bioSoft/Assembly/runBNG/Examples/test/all_sorted.stdout\" after \"END of output\"\n') ('warning', 'Found text in \"/home/bioSoft/Assembly/runBNG/Examples/test/all.stdout\" after \"END of output\"\n')

The parameter were default, but the error was same, did I set some thing wrong? Thank you!

Best wishes, wang

yyx8671 commented 4 years ago

Sorry @wangzhennan14. I didn't update the test dataset. It was generated by the irys platform and digested by BspQI

yyx8671 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Missandei-hcl,

Please be aware that the test OM file provided in 'runBNG' was generated using the irys platform with enzyme BspQI and the species is e.coli.

You may use -P irys -z 5 -e no to test.

Missandei-hcl commented 3 years ago

Hi @yyx8671 ,

I typed "./runBNG denovo -P irys -M yes -e no -t /home/len/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6.1_11162020/RefAligner/1.0 -s /home/len/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6.1_11162020 -b /root/runBNG-master/Examples/Molecules.bnx -r /root/runBNG-master/Examples/Test_BSPQI_20kb_5labels.cmap -T 2 -l 150 -j 1 -z 5 -o /root/runBNG-master/Examples "After the error is reported, the display is as follows

========================================== De novo assembly starts =============================================

Start date: 2021年 04月 08日 星期四 21:18:46 CST The data generation platform is: irys The bnx file is: /root/runBNG-master/Examples/Molecules.bnx The digested reference is: /root/runBNG-master/Examples/Test_BSPQI_20kb_5labels.cmap The minimum molecule length is (Kb): 150 The minimum label on a molecule is: 8 Maximum backbone intensity is: 0.6 The path to Bionano Solve folder is: /home/len/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6.1_11162020 The path to Bionano RefAligner folder is: /home/len/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6.1_11162020/RefAligner/1.0 The number of threads is: 2 Large jobs maximum memory (GB) is: 128 Small jobs maximum memory (GB) is: 8 The number of threads for each subjob is: 1 The number of iterations is: 5 False Positive Density (/100Kb) [FP]: 2.0 False Negative Rate (%/100) [FN]: 0.10 ScalingSD (Kb^1/2) [sd]: 0.0 SiteSD (Kb) [sf]: 0.15 RelativeSD [sr]: 0.03 The genome size (Mb) is: 5 The xml file is: /home/len/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6.1_11162020/RefAligner/1.0/optArguments_nonhaplotype_irys.xml The output directory is: /root/runBNG-master/Examples utilities.checkExternalDependencies: which failed for dependency R

utilities.checkExternalDependencies: which failed for dependency Rscript

Prerun Tests: 1 ERRORS 0 WARNINGS

Disabling autoNoise during rough Assembly

ERROR: Invalid xml file /root/runBNG-master/Examples/optArguments_new.xml: StartTag: invalid element name, line 115, column 10

Pipeline Version: $Id: 11646 2020-09-25 16:50:59Z Elam $

EXITING: See errors

How should I solve this problem? Is it because of the lack of the R installation package?I look forward to receiving your reply! Thank you very much!

Best wishes,

yyx8671 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Missandei-hcl,

The test dataset was from e.coli, -M should be no. You may use python2 to run runBNG. R is mainly used to call CNVs and dual-enzyme scaffolding. For the denovo step, you may not need R.

Missandei-hcl commented 3 years ago

Hello! After I changed -M to No, the same error still appeared.How should I solve this problem?

./runBNG denovo -P irys -M no -e no -t /home/len/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6.1_11162020/RefAligner/11442.11643rel -s /home/len/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6.1_11162020 -b /root/runBNG-master/Examples/Molecules.bnx -r /root/runBNG-master/Examples/Test_BSPQI_20kb_5labels.cmap -T 2 -l 150 -j 1 -z 5 -o /root/runBNG-master/Examples

========================================== De novo assembly starts =============================================

Start date: 2021年 04月 08日 星期四 22:07:02 CST The data generation platform is: irys The bnx file is: /root/runBNG-master/Examples/Molecules.bnx The digested reference is: /root/runBNG-master/Examples/Test_BSPQI_20kb_5labels.cmap The minimum molecule length is (Kb): 150 The minimum label on a molecule is: 8 Maximum backbone intensity is: 0.6 The path to Bionano Solve folder is: /home/len/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6.1_11162020 The path to Bionano RefAligner folder is: /home/len/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6.1_11162020/RefAligner/11442.11643rel The number of threads is: 2 Large jobs maximum memory (GB) is: 128 Small jobs maximum memory (GB) is: 8 The number of threads for each subjob is: 1 The number of iterations is: 5 False Positive Density (/100Kb) [FP]: 2.0 False Negative Rate (%/100) [FN]: 0.10 ScalingSD (Kb^1/2) [sd]: 0.0 SiteSD (Kb) [sf]: 0.15 RelativeSD [sr]: 0.03 The genome size (Mb) is: 5 The xml file is: /home/len/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6.1_11162020/RefAligner/11442.11643rel/optArguments_nonhaplotype_irys.xml The output directory is: /root/runBNG-master/Examples utilities.checkExternalDependencies: which failed for dependency R

utilities.checkExternalDependencies: which failed for dependency Rscript

Prerun Tests: 1 ERRORS 0 WARNINGS

Disabling autoNoise during rough Assembly

ERROR: Invalid xml file /root/runBNG-master/Examples/optArguments_new.xml: StartTag: invalid element name, line 115, column 10

Pipeline Version: $Id: 11646 2020-09-25 16:50:59Z Elam $

EXITING: See errors

yyx8671 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Missandei-hcl, from the log file, it seems Bionano scripts check if you have R installed.

Please read and follow the README and Manual files provided in runBNG to run this software and then you may have a better experience in using runBNG