AppsFlyerSDK / appsflyer-adobe-mobile-android-extension

AppsFlyer Android SDK Extension for Adobe Mobile SDK
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Table of content

This plugin is built for

  • Android AppsFlyer SDK v6.13.0

๐Ÿ“ฒ Adding the SDK to your project

Add the following to your app's build.gradle (Module: app) file:

repositories {

dependencies {
implementation 'com.appsflyer:appsflyer-adobe-sdk-extension:6.+'
implementation ''

Add the installreferrer library to improve attribution accuracy, protects from install fraud and more.

๐Ÿš€ Initializing the SDK

Register the AppsFlyer extension from your Application class, alongside the Adobe SDK initialisation code:

public void onCreate() {  

  try {

In Addition to adding the init code, the settings inside the launch dashboard must be set.

Setting Description
AppsFlyer iOS App ID Your iTunes application ID (required for iOS only)
AppsFlyer Dev Key Your application devKey provided by AppsFlyer (required)
Bind in-app events for Bind adobe event to appsflyer in-app events. For more info see the doc here.
Send attribution data Send conversion data from the AppsFlyer SDK to adobe. This is required for data elements.
Debug Mode Debug mode - set to true for testing only.
Wait for ECID Once enabled, the SDK Initialization will be delayed until the Experience Cloud ID is set.

Note: For Send attribution data, use this feature if you are only working with ad networks that allow sharing user level data with 3rd party tools.

Manual mode

Starting version 6.13.0, we support a manual mode to seperate the initialization of the AppsFlyer SDK and the start of the SDK.
In this case, the AppsFlyer SDK won't start automatically, giving the developer more freedom when to start the AppsFlyer SDK.
Please note that in manual mode, the developer is required to implement the API AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().start(Activity activity) in order to start the SDK.
You should set this mode before registering the MobileCore Extensions in Application.
If you are using CMP to collect consent data this feature is needed. See explanation


AppsflyerAdobeExtension.manual = true;

Please look at the example below to see how to start SDK once you want.
Keep in mind you shouldn't put the start() on a lifecycle method.
To start the AppsFlyer SDK, use the start() API, like the following :


๐Ÿ“– Guides

๐Ÿ“‘ API

See the full API available for this plugin.

๐Ÿ“‚ Data Elements

Check out the available data elements here.

Send consent for DMA compliance

For a general introduction to DMA consent data, see here. The SDK offers two alternative methods for gathering consent data:

Manually collect consent data

If your app does not use a CMP compatible with TCF v2.2, use the SDK API detailed below to provide the consent data directly to the SDK.

  1. Initialize AppsflyerAdobeExtension using manual mode and also MobileCore. This will allow us to delay the Conversion call in order to provide the SDK with the user consent.
  2. In the Activity class, determine whether the GDPR applies or not to the user.
    - If GDPR applies to the user, perform the following:
    1. Given that GDPR is applicable to the user, determine whether the consent data is already stored for this session.
      1. If there is no consent data stored, show the consent dialog to capture the user consent decision.
      2. If there is consent data stored continue to the next step.
    2. To transfer the consent data to the SDK create an object called AppsFlyerConsent using the forGDPRUser() method with the following parameters:
      - hasConsentForDataUsage - Indicates whether the user has consented to use their data for advertising purposes.
      - hasConsentForAdsPersonalization - Indicates whether the user has consented to use their data for personalized advertising purposes.
    3. Call AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().setConsentData() with the AppsFlyerConsent object.
    4. Call AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().start(this).

    - If GDPR doesnโ€™t apply to the user perform the following:
    1. Create an AppsFlyerConsent object using the forNonGDPRUser() method. This method doesnโ€™t accept any parameters.
    2. Call AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().setConsentData() with the AppsFlyerConsent object.
    3. Call AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().start(this).