AppsLab-KE / Project-SRS

This is a sample Project Software Requirement Specification
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srs srs-document

Sample Project SRS Adapted from

Apps:Lab KE

=============== SRS start ==============

Table of contents

Company Overview

In here you give a brief about the company working on the Software.

Travel Management System

This is a travel management system to manage all your company expense on travels and accommodation.

Problem statement

In this section you write the client problem statement as per the client. It should be brief and straight to the point.

Proposed solution

In this section write a brief proposed solution according to your technical understanding and to the best of your knowledge. You can cite some links from you R&Ds

Key Features

This will be the core of the project SRS. It should explicit, understandable by the client but easy to interprate to code by developers. To achieve this write it in user story format; The title is the story and the bullets are the "checklist"

User Auth

System solution

Due to the nature of your business we propose you have: - More details to go here

Backend/Dashboard application and/or admin system management.

Your backend/admin panel details goes here
The admin/dashboard/backend application will be mostly used by the company management staffs.
It will used to manage, monitor, update and control the whole system.
Super admin will be able to add staff and assign them role and permission and set company profile.
Respective staff will be able to perform their respective task(s) per role(s) /permission(s) as per their job description.
Staff actions and pages to view will be filtered by roles and permissions set.

Landing page for guest customers.

Write website/landing page details here
The landing web application will allow guest and customer view the service offered by the travel company.
The landing page will act as the company website with all the services, company contact, company profile.

Mobile Application

Write mobile application features here
List the features of the mobile apps and its functionalities here;
The mobile app will the following features :

Sign in and Signup

Technology Requirements

You tech stack goes here
The system will be developed using the latest technology. We will use the following technology to develop the web application;

And for mobile app;

And for database;

Non-Technology Requirements

List you non-technology requirements here
The web app will require up to date modern browser installed (chrome is highly recommended) on tablet, laptop or computer.Devices preferred will be laptops, desktop computers or tablet for the staff. But the web application will be adaptive and responsive – which mean it will be able to work perfectly even on a phone.
The application will require data or Wi-Fi connection to be accessible over the internet
Mobile applications are to be Android 4.4 (android kitkat) version and above.The applications will require internet connectivity to run 99.9% uptime server. This is a gurarentee from our end as the service provider.


In case of any requirement update we will update the document and inform you.


You contact detail goes here

=============== SRS End ==============



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