AppsLab2019 / Open-Lab-03.03

(7 XP) A function that compares the length of two strings.
MIT License
0 stars 77 forks source link


(7 XP) A function that compares the length of two strings.

  1. Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Open solution file in Visual Studio.
  3. Open file Comparator.cs.
  4. Implement the method CompareCharactersCount(string str1, string str2) that compares if two strings have the same length.
  5. Run with CTRL+F5 to test it.
  6. If all tests are passed, commit & sync your repository.
  7. Send a link to your repository for Lab Master (in #slack) to check it.


CompareCharactersCount("AB", "CD") ➞ true
CompareCharactersCount("ABC", "DE") ➞ false
CompareCharactersCount("Test", "GitHub") ➞ false