Validate your data and create nice reports straight from R.
is a package for scalable and reproducible data validation. It provides:
pipelines: validate_if
, validate_cols
and validate_rows
, within_bounds
, etc.Install from CRAN:
or the latest development version:
Validation cycle is simple:
function. It adds new section to the report.validate_*
functions and predicates to validate the data. You can create your custom predicates. See between()
report <- data_validation_report()
validate(mtcars, name = "Verifying cars dataset") %>%
validate_if(drat > 0, description = "Column drat has only positive values") %>%
validate_cols(in_set(c(0, 2)), vs, am, description = "vs and am values equal 0 or 2 only") %>%
validate_cols(within_n_sds(1), mpg, description = "mpg within 1 sds") %>%
validate_rows(num_row_NAs, within_bounds(0, 2), vs, am, mpg, description = "not too many NAs in rows") %>%
validate_rows(maha_dist, within_n_mads(10), everything(), description = "maha dist within 10 mads") %>%
between <- function(a, b) {
function(x) { a <= x & x <= b }
validate(iris, name = "Verifying flower dataset") %>%
validate_if(Sepal.Length > 0, description = "Sepal length is greater than 0") %>%
validate_cols(between(0, 4), Sepal.Width, description = "Sepal width is between 0 and 4") %>%
Print results to the console:
# Validation summary:
# Number of successful validations: 1
# Number of failed validations: 4
# Number of validations with warnings: 1
# Advanced view:
# |table_name |description |type | total_violations|
# |:----------|:-------------------------------------------------|:-------|----------------:|
# |mtcars |Column drat has only positive values |success | NA|
# |mtcars |Column drat has only values larger than 3 |error | 4|
# |mtcars |Each row sum for am:vs columns is less or equal 1 |error | 7|
# |mtcars |For wt and qsec we have: abs(col) < 2 * sd(col) |error | 4|
# |mtcars |vs and am values equal 0 or 2 only |error | 27|
# |mtcars |vs and am values should equal 3 or 4 |warning | 24|
Save as HTML report
Common step in data validation is assuring that key columns are unique and not empty.
Test dataset for preparing the validation schema can be created with fixtuRes
my_mock_generator <- fixtuRes::MockDataGenerator$new("path-to-my-configuration.yml")
my_data_frame <- my_mock_generator$get_data("my_data_frame", 10)
report <- data.validator::data_validation_report()
validate(my_data_frame, name = "Verifying data uniqueness") %>%
validate_if(is_uniq(id), description = "ID column is unique") %>%
validate_if(! & id != "", description = "ID column is not empty") %>%
validate_if(is.character(code), description = "CODE column is string") %>%
validate_rows(col_concat, is_uniq, code, type, description = "CODE and TYPE combination is unique") %>%
# Validation summary:
# Number of successful validations: 4
# Number of failed validations: 0
# Number of validations with warnings: 0
# Advanced view:
# |table_name |description |type | total_violations|
# |:-----------------------|:-----------------------------------|:-------|----------------:|
# |Verifying data uniqness |CODE and TYPE combination is unique |success | NA|
# |Verifying data uniqness |CODE column is string |success | NA|
# |Verifying data uniqness |ID column is not empty |success | NA|
# |Verifying data uniqness |ID column is unique |success | NA|
In order to generate rmarkdown report data.validator
uses predefined report template.
You may find it in inst/rmarkdown/templates/standard/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd
The report contains basic requirements for each report template used by save_report
generate_report_html: !expr function(...) {}
extra_params: list()
```{r generate_report, echo = FALSE}
If you want to use the template as a base you can use RStudio.
Load the package and use `File -> New File -> R Markdown -> From template -> Simple structure for HTML report summary`.
Then modify the template adding custom title, or graphics with leaving the below points unchanged and specify the path inside `save_report`'s `template` parameter.
# How the package can be used in production?
The package was successfully used by Appsilon in production environment for protecting Shiny Apps against being run on incorrect data.
The workflow was based on the below steps:
1. Running [RStudio Connect Scheduler]( daily.
2. Scheduler sources the data from PostgreSQL table and validates it based on predefined rules.
3. Based on validation results a new `data.validator` report is created.
4a. When data is violated:
- data provider and person responsible for data quality receives report via email
- thanks to `assertr` functionality, the report is easily understandable both for technical, and non-technical person
- data provider makes required data fixes
4b. When data is correct:
- a specific trigger is sent in order to reload Shiny data
### Working example
Check the simple example of scheduled validation and storing data as `pin` here: [connect_validation_workflow](
The workflow is presented on below graphics
## How to contribute?
If you want to contribute to this project please submit a regular PR, once you're done with new feature or bug fix.
Reporting a bug is also helpful - please use [GitHub issues]( and describe your problem as detailed as possible.
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