ApsaraDB / PolarDB-Hackathon-2023

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Alibaba Cloud PolarDB Global Hackathon 2023 Guide

Go explore PolarDB with open-theme innovation challenge!

PolarDB Global Hackathon 2023 is an open-theme coding innovation contest for global developers to create with Alibaba Cloud featured cloud-native relational database PolarDB.

🏆 Winning Prize

💵 Prize Pool $30,000 USD 🎁 Alibaba Cloud Merchandise 🎬 Media Exposure Opportunity


Jan. 10th Jan.10th to Feb. 28th Feb. 28th, EST 6PM Mid-March
Submission Start Online Q&A, Weekly Online Session Update, City Bootcamp* Submission Close Result Announce

*City Bootcamp schedule will be released soon


Participants are required to use PolarDB for MySQL or PolarDB for PostgreSQL on Alibaba Cloud to build projects. Projects could be functioning apps, websites, programs, tools or data dashboards of innovative value in any field or industry. Hackers can participate as a team, each team can contain 1 to 5 individual participants.

💡 Some topic ideas for your reference

- **♻️ Sustainable Development** - Green energy applications for home energy saving or home solar energy back to the grid - Smart agriculture systems for saving resources and increasing quantity and quality of food - **🎮 Gaming & Web3** - Metaverse (PolarDB for PostgreSQL supports the spatial-temporal engine called Ganos to build a digital twin world) - Location-based sports game(PolarDB for PostgreSQL supports the spatial-temporal engine called Ganos to build a digital twin world) - Build a global-server game (PolarDB for MySQL supports Global Database Network(GDN)) - **🏦 FinTech** - Online banking, risk management, financial services, trading system - **🛍 E-commerce & Logistics** - Shopping website/apps, supporting immersive shopping experiences, flash sales, new product releases and other scenes like Live streaming shopping

Submission Requirements

- **PPT is required** for sharing your project idea and design, explain how you use PolarDB in your project and present a demo of your project. Please check the PolarDB Global Hackathon template slides for the submission requirement in detail. - **Presentation video is optional but highly recommended** to help judges to have better understand about your project - **Zip file containing your sample application and source code is highly recommended**. Please also provide the README for judges to run the application

Evaluation Criteria

- ***Technical Implementation(40%)*** - How well the application was designed and executed by the developer and how well PolarDB was executed in the submission - **Using PolarDB advanced features is highly recommended** - ***Commercial or Social Value(30%)*** - The submission is commercially viable, or has social value; the project plan is complete and has clear goals. The project is innovative, distinct from well-developed industry themes and solutions, and outperforms existing products. - The value and innovation of the project are clearly described & demonstrated in submissions. - ***Innovation and Creativity(20%)*** - The originality and creativity of the project. - ***Usage of Alibaba Cloud Products(10%)*** - One or multiple Alibaba Cloud products are consumed by your account(s) and used in your solution, including for training models or building your working demo. - ***Bonus*** - Upload your presentation video to YouTube or share your project on GitHub can get extra 5 bonus marks. If you upload your work to YouTube or GitHub, please attach the link to your submission slides.

How to Join

🎓Note :For Students Please Complete Student Verification Process Before Step1 to Skip the Payment Verification

Get Started

Free learning materials and useful resources can be found as below.

Need any help?

  1. Ask questions in issues in this project
  2. Ask in the PolarDB Hackathon Page