ArMaGeDDoN-SS / Discord-Nuke-Bot

Multifunctional medium-speed classic crash bot. At the time of the last release date (03/29/2023), it has 23 commands designed to destroy Discord servers.
MIT License
13 stars 17 forks source link
discord discord-bot-nuke discord-nuke discord-nuke-bot discord-py discord-raid discord-raid-bot discord-server-nuke discord-server-nuke-bot discord-server-nuker discord-server-raid discord-server-raid-bot nuke nuke-bot raid raid-bot server-nuke server-nuke-bot server-raid server-raid-bot

[Discord] - Valkyrie: Standart Nuke-bot(Not supported)

[Discord] - Valkyrie is a bot designed to destroy Discord servers. Written in Python 3.9, the code is sorted into kogi for convenience.

This nuke bot contains a total of 23 commands, all of them created to destroy the server where this command was registered. In addition to two commands, the bot also contains 2 events (a reaction to the creation of channels, a team cooldown). The bot also provides a help that provides information about all the commands of the bot.


This bot was created solely for entertainment and educational purposes
The use and development of such bots contradicts Discord T.O.S
By using this bot, you automatically confirm that you are fully responsible for its further use. If your account is blocked by discord support for using this bot, I will not be held responsible.

How To Setup - Instructions

The bot has its own configuration, at the moment it is configured, but you can change it at will. Before activating the bot, insert its token in the right place in the json dictionary (you can get your bot's token from the link Discord developers' website).

    "token": "Your bot token",
    "prefix": "Your bot prefix",
    "loghook": "Webhook Url",

    "command_cooldown_time": 300,
    "developer_list": [],

    "nuke_channels_name": "crash3d",
    "nuke_voice_name": "DDoS By Anarchy",
    "nuke_categories_name": "DDoS By Anarchy",

    "nuke_server_name": "...<<<CaSh3D>>>...",
    "nuke_roles_name": "crash3d",
    "nuke_webhook_name": "CrAsH3D by Anarchy Syndicate",

    "nuke_avatar_file": "avatar.jpg",
    "spam_text_file": "spam_text.txt"

Information about each line of the "config.json" file:

List of commands

To view a list of all bot commands, enter the documentation command in the chat of any server where there is a bot (do not forget to specify the prefix before the command name), the bot will send you a list of all available commands to the bos. The name of the file where the documentation command is stored:

Visual view of the command documentation

Here is a handy list of all the commands with a description of their functionality, which are currently available and successfully working in the bot version 1.0.1:

General commands
```C# + attack - Automatic server destruction. + delchannels - Deleting all channels. + delroles - Deleting all roles. + channels - Mass creation of channels. + roles - Mass creation of roles. + rename - Changing the server name. + delemoji - Deleting all emojis. ```
Commands for interacting with server participants
```C# + kick_all - Kick all participants. + ban_all - Ban all participants. ```
Commands for interacting with roles
```C# + admin - Give yourself a role with administrator rights. + everyone_admin - Grant administrator rights to all participants. + giverole <@Ping role | ID role> - Give yourself the mentioned role. ```
Spam commands
```C# + spam - Mass sending of messages to the channels. + allspam - Mass sending of messages to all channels. + dmspam <@пинг | ID> - Mass sending of messages to the mentioned. ```
Custom classic nuke-commands
```C# + customchan - Mass creation of channels with the specified name. + customroles - Mass creation of roles with the specified name. + customname - Changing the server name to the specified one. + customspam - Mass spam with the specified text. ```
Developer commands
```C# + bl_add - Add user ID to blacklist. + bl_delete - Remove User ID to blacklist. + wl_add - Add the server ID to the whitelist. + wl_delete - Delete the server ID of their whitelist. ```

Mechanics of black and white lists

The mechanics of black and white lists are designed to control access to the bot. The white list contains server IDs that the bot cannot destroy (that is, if someone writes a command on the server from the white list, the bot will not execute it). The blacklist contains the IDs of members who are denied access to bot commands (that is, if someone from the blacklist writes a bot command, the bot will not execute it. You can edit these two lists using special developer commands.