ArcBlock / abt-did-spec

ABT DID Protocol
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This repository defines the specification of ArcBlock DID Auth Protocol.

Table of Contents




The decentralized identification provided by ArcBlock.

      DID            DID string

DID Type

DID type is the first two bytes of the DID string's binary format. It contains three sections:

  1. The first six bits are the RoleType of DID, e.g., account = 0
  2. The following 5 bits denote the KeyType, algorithm to convert secret key to public key, e.g., ED25519 = 0
  3. The latter 5 bits represent the Hash function to calculate the hash of the public key, e.g., sha3 = 1

So DID type bytes 0x0C01 can be interpreted as follows:

| 000011      | 00000     | 00001      |
| application | ed25519   | sha3       |

See appendix for the full list of values.

Create DID

This process is inspired by Bitcoin. The difference is that we use a single SHA3 to replace SHA256 and RIPEMD160 which are used to do double hash in Bitcoin.

Create Extended DID

One of our main goal is to protect users' privacy. So people do not use the DID generated from their master key to talk to DAPPs, instead, the WALLET automatically generates an extended DID according to the user's master DID and the DAPP's DID and use this extended DID to communicate with the DAPP. The following process is how to create an extended DID:

Declare DID

ABT DID method defines the DID document as the account state, but one DID does not have a corresponding state in the blockchain state by default. One must declare a DID in order to let it be visible to others on the chain. Declaring a DID is done by sending a DeclareTx transaction to the blockchain. The following is a sample transaction.

  "hash": "36BBCA0115A52C0F43C42E84CAE368481A0F32B218380721E3DD2B0456D1D294",
  "tx": {
    "from": "z1RMrcjJVwuohBoqAsPaVvuDajQi1fDo8Qx",
    "itx": {
      "__typename": "DeclareTx",
      "data": null,
      "pk": "IWNMqz5IdsqxO0x9iqdlSfMvPkchVc3un8mmLXT_GcU",
      "type": {
        "address": "BASE58",
        "hash": "SHA3",
        "pk": "ED25519",
        "role": "ROLE_ACCOUNT"
    "nonce": 1,
    "signature": "E_BkPhw-WUpkTk5nn_WF4z-8huOBqjl-3vQ122TYCDQiahFlklVJT3I7YUwr8d-pi_mqMM0JKWB06ayJh3gODQ",
    "signatures": []

After the declaration, the corresponding state will be created for this DID.

Read DID

To read a DID, one just needs to send a GRPC request to ABT network. The structure of the request is described as follows. The address filed is the DID to query. The keys field is used to fetch specific parts of the state. If it is omitted, entire account states will be returned. The height field can be used to retrieve the older version of the DID documents. If it is omitted, the latest one will be returned.

message RequestGetAccountState {
  string address = 1;
  repeated string keys = 2;
  uint64 height = 3;

The response contains the DID document associated with this DID.

Update DID

Account state could be potentially updated through any kind of transaction and different types of transaction would affect the account state in different aspects. The following is an example of TransferTx transaction.

  "hash": "36BBCA0115A52C0F43C42E84CAE368481A0F32B218380721E3DD2B0456D1D294",
  "tx": {
    "from": "z1RMrcjJVwuohBoqAsPaVvuDajQi1fDo8Qx",
    "itx": {
      "__typename": "TransferTx",
      "to": "z1YgP3zaVdQzB9gC3kHAyTiiMMPZhLzCLDP",
      "data": "The new data to replace the existing one.",
      "pk": "IWNMqz5IdsqxO0x9iqdlSfMvPkchVc3un8mmLXT_GcU",
    "nonce": 1,
    "signature": "E_BkPhw-WUpkTk5nn_WF4z-8huOBqjl-3vQ122TYCDQiahFlklVJT3I7YUwr8d-pi_mqMM0JKWB06ayJh3gODQ",
    "signatures": []

It is worth mentioning that old versions of DID document are still stored on the chain due to the natures of the data structure used by blockchain. So this operation is not updating the DID document in place but putting a new version over the existing one.

Revoke DID

An account cannot be erased from a blockchain, but the account owner can send a SuicideTx to mark the account as dead. This process is irreversible and any transaction that involves a dead account is considered as invalid.

  "hash": "36BBCA0115A52C0F43C42E84CAE368481A0F32B218380721E3DD2B0456D1D294",
  "tx": {
    "from": "z1RMrcjJVwuohBoqAsPaVvuDajQi1fDo8Qx",
    "itx": {
      "__typename": "RevokeTx",
      "pk": "IWNMqz5IdsqxO0x9iqdlSfMvPkchVc3un8mmLXT_GcU",
    "nonce": 1,
    "signature": "E_BkPhw-WUpkTk5nn_WF4z-8huOBqjl-3vQ122TYCDQiahFlklVJT3I7YUwr8d-pi_mqMM0JKWB06ayJh3gODQ",
    "signatures": []

Privacy considerations

The ways of how to create, register and manage DIDs in ABT DID method are designed to provide enhanced privacy, improved anonymity and reduced correlation risk.

Security considerations

The underlayer blockchain also ensured the following security risks:

Our blockchain based implementation has considered each of following requirements listed in W3C DID specification:

ABT DID Authentication Protocol

ArcBlock DID (decentralized identification) Authentication Protocol is an open protocol that provides a secure decentralized authentication mechanism by using asymmetric cryptography technology. In this protocol, we define authentication as the process that the WALLET provides answers of the requested claims to the DAPP.

This protocol involves three parties:

The entire authentication protocol contains three processes:


Pre-knowledge refers to the process that WALLET gets the information of a DAPP before the real authentication starts. DAPP can provide the information in a QR code or deep link.

The following is an example of the content of a QR code or deep link.

Request DID Authentication

Request DID Authentication is the step that the WALLET actually starts the authentication process. The WALLET makes a request to the endpoint pointed by the url obtained from the previous step. The following is the step-by-step break down of what's going to happen of this process:

  1. WALLET makes a request to the endpoint.

  2. The response returned by the DAPP shall contain two must-have fields appPk and authInfo and one optional field appSession.

    • appPk: The DAPP's public key, encoded by Bitcoin Base58.
    • authInfo: A standard JWT token.
    • appSession: The encrypted information for the DAPP to process this authentication session. WALLET must return it to DAPP with no change. It is up to the DAPP to how to encrypt this field. The following is an example response payload.
      "appPk": "zBdZEnbDJTijVVCx4Nx68bzDPPMFwVizSRorvzSS3SGG2",
      "authInfo": "eyJhbGciOiJFZDI1NTE5IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.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.RasZv6ydSxOBj3H726P8THeo4K4IAd7wapqrdE4hrOVRONByAHYK1kr7uAXASc_-Mw9ShD3IcqAuwnLiEkvHCQ",
      "appSession": ""

    The header and body part of authInfo displayed above decodes as

      "alg": "Ed25519",
      "typ": "JWT"
      "iss": "did:abt:zNKtCNqYWLYWYW3gWRA1vnRykfCBZYHZvzKr",
      "iat": 1548703422,
      "nbf": 1548703422,
      "exp": 1548803422,
      "appInfo": {
        "name": "The name of the DAPP",
        "description": "The description of the DAPP.",
        "logo": "https://example-dapp/logo"
      "chainInfo": {
        "host": "https://example-dapp/api"
      "action": "responseAuth",
      "url": "https://example-dapp/auth",
      "requestedClaims": [
          "type": "authPrincipal",
          "description": "Please set the authentication principal.",
    • iss: The issuer of this JWT payload. In this example, it is the DAPP's DID generated from appPk.
    • iat, nbf and exp: Follows the JWT standard.
    • appInfo: The basic information of this DAPP, such as name, description, logo and so on.
    • chainInfo: The basic information of this chain. The protocol right now only supports chainHost in side this field. The chainHost is the ForgeWeb endpoint of this chain.
    • url: A must-have field that will be used by the WALLET in Response DID Authentication process.
    • action: Tells what action should the WALLET perform in next step. Here it should be responseAuth and the WALLET shall use POST method to access the url.
    • requestedClaims: The verifiable claims required by the DAPP's. In this example, the type of the requested claim is authPrincipal which usually is the first claim required by the DAPP in the authentication process. This claim means that the DAPP is asking the WALLET to set the authentication principal before they can continue to the reset of operations. The authentication principal is the user's DID whose private key shall be used to sign all of the requests sent from the WALLET to the DAPP.
  3. After gets the response, the WALLET should do following verifications:

    1. Verifies if the iat is later than the request is sent.
    2. Verifies if the response has expired by using exp.
    3. Verifies if the signature matches the appPk and if the appPk matches the appDid in the iss field.
  4. (TBD) The WALLET could (may under users' request) ask a registry blockchain for the metadata of the DAPP, trustLevel for example. ArcBlock provides ABT chain as a registry chain.

  5. (TBD) The trustLevel can be used by the WALLET when displaying requested claims to user. For the DAPP whose appDid cannot be found on registry blockchain, the WALLET should make the entire page with high risk mark. If an DAPP is asking verifiable claims whose required trust_level is higher than the appDids', the WALLET should display those claims with high risk mark.

  6. The WALLET needs to determine the DID to use to set as the authentication principal. If the user has accessed the DAPP before, then the WALLET should directly use extended DID as the authPrincipal. Otherwise, the WALLET shall create an extended DID before any other operations.

Response DID Authentication

This step can be thought of as that the WALLET is answering the questions asked by the DAPP through the requestedClaims field and the DAPP would possibly return more questions depending on the answers.

After determined the value of the userDid to respond to the DAPP, the WALLET shall organize the response just in following format:

  "userPk": "",
  "userInfo": "",
  "userSession": "",
  "appSession": "",

Just like the authInfo, the userInfo is also a standard JWT object which can be decoded as follows in this example:

  "alg": "Ed25519",
  "typ": "JWT"
  "iss": "userDid",
  "iat": "1548713422",
  "nbf": "1548713422",
  "exp": "1548813422"

The fields iss means the issuer of this JWT payload. It is also the authentication principal determined in the previous step.

More Response DID Authentication

After the WALLET set the authentication principal, the DAPP could send more claims back to the WALLET depending on its business logic. It is just like a customer manager in a bank could ask a serious of questions before he or she can process the business service for the customer. So let's see another example response that a DAPP could return to the WALLET after the first round authentication.

  "appPk": "zBdZEnbDJTijVVCx4Nx68bzDPPMFwVizSRorvzSS3SGG2",
  "authInfo": "eyJhbGciOiJFZDI1NTE5IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.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.RasZv6ydSxOBj3H726P8THeo4K4IAd7wapqrdE4hrOVRONByAHYK1kr7uAXASc_-Mw9ShD3IcqAuwnLiEkvHCQ",
  "appSession": "",
  "userSession": ""

The header and body part of authInfo displayed above decodes as

  "alg": "Ed25519",
  "typ": "JWT"
  "iss": "did:abt:zNKtCNqYWLYWYW3gWRA1vnRykfCBZYHZvzKr",
  "iat": 1548703422,
  "nbf": 1548703422,
  "exp": 1548803422,
  "appInfo": {
    "name": "The name of the application",
    "description": "The description of the application.",
    "logo": "https://example-dapp/logo"
  "action": "responseAuth",
  "url": "https://example-app/auth",
  "requestedClaims": [
      "type": "profile",
      "description": "Please fill in basic information.",
      "items": ["fullName", "mobilePhone", "mailingAddress"]
      "type": "agreement",
      "description": "The user data usage agreement.",
      "meta": {
        "name": "user_agreement",
      "uri": "",
      "hash": {
        "method": "sha2",
        "digest": "The hash result of the document's content"
      "type": "agreement",
      "description": "The service agreement",
      "meta": {
        "name": "service_agreement"
      "uri": "ipfs://document-2",
      "hash": {
        "method": "sha3",
        "digest": "The hash result of the document's content"

So in this example, the DAPP is asking the WALLET to provide some basic information of the user. The WALLET shall prompt a user to let him or her to finish this claims and send back to the DAPP again. We will talk about how to process each type claim in next section.

Revoke DID Authentication


Verifiable Claims

Verifiable claims is a list of claim item. Different types of claims have some common attributes even though they are designed to server under different scenarios.

The supported types of claims are described as follows:


This is the first claim to ask by the DAPP, it is used to informing the WALLET to set the authentication principal for the entire authentication process. The authentication principal is the iss field of the JWT payload sent from the WALLET.

To ask the WALLET to set up authentication principal, the DAPP should respond the WALLET with this claim:

  "requestedClaims": [
      "type": "authPrincipal",
      "description": "Please set the authentication principal.",

Sometimes a DAPP may want the WALLET to prove that it is a specific user. In such cases, the DAPP can add the field target in the claim item. The WALLET must set the authentication principal to the specific DID.

  "requestedClaims": [
      "type": "authPrincipal",
      "description": "Please set the authentication principal to start this atomic swap.",
      "target": "did:abt:z1fw9Ycbb7cJnj1NUm6hyuSYHuTHEwph8yH"


Profile is the verifiable claim used to gather users' basic information such as name, email, age and so on. The requested information is put in the items sub-field. For example, when the DAPP requires users to provide their first name, mobile phone number and mailing address, it could respond a claim to the WALLET in following way.

  "requestedClaims": [
      "type": "profile",
      "description": "Please provide the basic information.",
      "items": ["fullName", "mobilePhone", "mailingAddress"]

The WALLET shall answer this claim in such way:

  "requestedClaims": [
      "type": "profile",
      "fullName": "Alice Bean",
      "mobilePhone": "123456789",
      "mailingAddress": {
        "addressLine1": "456 123th AVE",
        "addressLine2": "Apt 106",
        "city": "Redmond",
        "state": "WA",
        "postalCode": "98052",
        "country": "USA"

Please see the appendix for the list of all profile items.


Agreement is another commonly used type of claim. It stands for the agreements that a DAPP asks the user to sign. An agreement claim type contains following fields:

When a DAPP wants a user to sign agreements, it should add a list of such claim items in the response.

  "requestedClaims": [
      "type": "agreement",
      "description": "The user data usage agreement.",
      "meta": {
        "name": "user_agreement."
      "uri": "",
      "method": "sha2",
      "digest": "The hash result of the document's content"
      "type": "agreement",
      "description": "The service agreement",
      "meta": {
        "name": "service_agreement"
      "uri": "ipfs://document-2",
      "method": "sha3",
      "digest": "The hash result of the document's content"

When see this response, WALLET should prompt the user to sign the agreements. Later, the WALLET should submit a list of signed claim items back to the DAPP. If the user agrees, WALLET shall add the agreed and the sig field. If the user declines, then the WALLET just need to add the agreed field with value false. No signature is required in this situation.

  "requestedClaims": [
      "type": "agreement",
      "uri": "",
      "method": "sha2",
      "digest": "The hash result of the document's content",
      "meta": {
        "name": "user_agreement."
      "agreed": true,
      "sig": "user's signature against the doc digest plus AGREED."
      "type": "agreement",
      "uri": "ipfs://document-2",
      "method": "sha3",
      "digest": "The hash result of the document's content",
      "meta": {
        "name": "service_agreement"
      "agreed": false


The Asset claim item is used to let the WALLET to provide a asset DID to the DAPP. Usually the DAPP would need to verify the ownership of the asset against the DID set in the authentication principal. To ask the WALLET to provide an asset DID, the DAPP shall send the claims in following way:

  "requestedClaims": [
      "type": "asset",
      "description": "Please provide the coupon you own.",
      "meta": {
        "id": "coupon",

The WALLET shall return the response in following way:

  "requestedClaims": [
      "type": "asset",
      "meta": {
        "id": "coupon",
      "asset": "did:abt:zje1uzZTCZN551EWGLyyCEW9AM2wAdjymfHb"


Signature is a commonly used claim between the WALLET and the DAPP. When the DAPP need to guide the WALLET user through a certain business operation, they will probably end up with signing and broadcasting a transaction to the blockchain. In this situation, the DAPP usually assembles a transaction and sends to the user and asks for signature. The DAPP is supposed to send the origin full payload and the type URL of the transaction to the WALLET so that the WALLET can validate the hash and display transaction to the user.

Besides the common fields among all types of claim items, the Signature claim item has following extra fields:

  "requestedClaims": [
      "type": "signature",
      "description": "Please sign this exchange transaction.",
      "typeUrl": "fg:t:transaction",
      "origin": "base58 encoded data",
      "method": "sha3",
      "digest": "base58 encoded digest",
      "meta": {
        "id": 12345

The WALLET shall return the signature in following format:

  "requestedClaims": [
      "type": "signature",
      "typeUrl": "fg:t:transaction",
      "origin": "base58 encoded data",
      "method": "sha3",
      "digest": "base58 encoded digest",
      "meta": {
        "id": 12345
      "sig": "the value to return"

Use Cases

The ABT DID Authentication protocol is a generic peer-to-peer protocol that can be used in any case where authentication is required. It can be used in but is not limited to following scenarios:

Registry Blockchain (TBD)

Registry blockchain is the place where DAPP DID should be registered. It is the decentralized authority guiding wallets whether or not the DAPP it is asking for is trustworthy. A registry blockchain should provide at least following information of an application: trustLevel.

Trust level

Trust level is a number to relatively show how trustworthy an DAPP is. The registry blockchain is responsible for maintaining the trust level of an DAPP. For example, an DAPP can stake ABT token on ABT chain to increase its trust level. If the DAPP did something evil, it will be punished, and its trust level will drop through voting.



Registry blockchain side APIs




DID Role Type

DID Role Type Value Comments
account 0
node 1 Fixed to sha2 and ed25519
device 2
application 3
smart_contract 4
bot 5
asset 6
stake 7
validator 8 Fixed to sha2 and ed25519
group 9
tx 10
tether 11 Fixed to sha2 and ed25519
swap 12 Fixed to sha2 and ed25519
delegate 13
any 63

Hash Algorithm

Hash Algorithm Value Comments
keccak 0
sha3 1
keccak_384 2
sha3_384 3
keccak_512 4
sha3_512 5
sha2 6 Only for node, validator, tether and swap

DSA Algorithm

DSA Algorithm Value Comments
ed25519 0
secp256k1 1

Profile items

Name Type Comments
billingAddress address
birthday string
companyAddress address
companyName string
driverLicense string
firstName string
fullName string
gender string
highestEducationDegree string
homeAddress string
homePhone string
languages string
lastName string
locale string
mailingAddress address
maritalStatus string
middleName string
mobilePhone string
nationalId string
nationality string
passport string
personalEmail string
photo string
placeOfBirth string
primaryOccupation string
socialSecurityNumber string
taxpayerIdNumber string
timezone string
workEmail string
workPhone string