Arcadia-Science / arcadia-computational-training

Computational training materials developed for or delivered at Arcadia
MIT License
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Arcadia Computational Training

This repository houses computational training materials developed for or delivered at Arcadia. The repository is still a work in progress so things may shift around as we settle on an organizational structure.

The content in this repository is meant to present a sensible set of defaults for common computational tasks in biology at the time that the content is added to the repo.

Building and deploying a site with MkDocs

MkDocs is a static site generator that integrates nicely with GitHub to build websites from repositories.

The file mkdocs.yml controls the website layout and organization of the website (as opposed to this being controlled by the file structure in the repository).

This website uses the Material theme. The installation & usage instructions were added to the .github/workflows/gh-pages.yml as the first run directive.

For complete documentation on getting started with MkDocs, see their getting started documentation. If you have conda (version 4.13.0) and mamba (version 0.25.0) installed, you can run the following to use the MkDocs built-in dev-server:

mamba env create -n mkdocs --file environment.yml
conda activate mkdocs
mkdocs serve

Then in your browser, navigate to the URL printed to standard out.