Arcana / node-dota2-bot

Wrapper around the node-dota2 library which handles all log-in shenanigans
MIT License
9 stars 7 forks source link


Wrapper around the node-dota2 library which handles all log-in shenanigans. This basic DotaBot class prepares an object for connection to Steam and the Dota2 Game Coordinator. As soon as connect(callback) is called, the DotaBot connects to Steam and the Dota2 GC. As soon as all connections are made, the queue is started. From then on, all scheduled functions will be executed as soon as the GC is available.

npm Dependency Status



Run npm install dota2-bot to install the package or clone from GitHub


Getters / Setters


constructor (logonDetails, debug, debugMore)

Creates a new DotaBot ready to connect to Steam and the Dota2 GC

connect ()

Connect to Steam and the Dota2 GC. DotaBot will keep the connections alive until disconnect() is called

disconnect ()

Disconnect from Steam and the Dota2 GC.




'use strict'
const DotaBot = require("DotaBot");

var logonDetails = {account_name: 'username', password:'password'};
var bot = new DotaBot(logonDetails, true, false);
bot.Dota2.on("profileCardData", function (accId, data) {
setTimeout(()=>{bot.disconnect();}, 25000);


19 May 12:16:07 - Blocking queue
19 May 12:16:07 - Scheduling job
19 May 12:16:07 - Connected, logging on..
19 May 12:16:07 - Logged on with id = **********
19 May 12:16:07 - Launching Dota 2
19 May 12:16:07 - Received servers.
19 May 12:16:07 - sentryfile saved
19 May 12:16:08 - Sending ClientHello
19 May 12:16:08 - Received client welcome.
19 May 12:16:08 - Activating queue
19 May 12:16:08 - Executing job
19 May 12:16:08 - Sending profile card request
19 May 12:16:08 - Queue is empty, going idle
19 May 12:16:09 - Cache subscribed, type 7
19 May 12:16:09 - Unknown cache ID: 7
19 May 12:16:09 - Received profile card data for: 63470426
{"account_id":63470426,"background_def_index":0, ...
19 May 12:16:26 - Exiting Dota 2