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Angelsmods Repository
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angelsmods bioprocessing factorio-mod industries petrochem refining smelting

Angels Mods

Ready For Angels? TRAILER

Be aware that removing and/or adding angel mods to a running game will mess things up (recommended is starting a new game)

I. Angel's Infinite Ores

Add infinity ores to spawn in addition to the regular existing ores. Supports Vanilla Ores, BobsOres and YuokiOres. Usage of the RSO mod is highly recommended, it features the generation of ore patches which have a percentage of infinite ores thanks to orzelek!

II. Angel's Refining

Replaces all ores patches with new once which you have to refine prior to smelting. All the ores (from base/bobs/YI) will be replaced by 6 new compound ores (Saphirite, Stiratite, Crotinnium, Jivolite, Rubyte, Bobmonium) and a new wells (Fissure). The mined compound ores have to be refined before you are able to smelt and cast them into plates. More advanced refining methodes will result in a higher yield of processed ores and may unlock new refined ores.

There are 2 different modes currently:

III. Angel's Petrochem

Changes and adds how Oil processing works. Aside from Coal and Oil Wells in vanilla, Gas Well are added to the game as raw carbon sources. Raw resources have to be processed and transformed though chemical processing chains to gain plastic, resin, rubber and fuels. Also adds the chemical basics for other mods to use: chlorine, nitrogen, sulfur and other chemical compounds are added. Includes alternative skin for the chemical plant matching the gfx style from petrochem.

IV. Angel's Metallurgy Smelting

Instead of putting ores into a regular furnace, Metallurgy Smelting provides advanced processing chains to produce plates and wires, increasing ore yield at the expense of space and energy.

V. Angel's Bio Processing

Explore the alien planet to find the Flora (plant life) and Fauna (animal life) and use it to your advantage.

VI. Angel's Industries

Invest in new technologies earlier! Have some logistical advantages by using Angel's logistics.

This mod has some new overhaul settings:

VII. Angel's Exploration (Alpha)

The alien life forms do not like you as much as you may like them. Add different tiers of biters and new weapons to counter these creatures.

VIII. Angel's Add-ons

VIII.I. Storage Options

VIII.II. Mass Transit


Another type of crawler, the Crawler Autonomous Base. Deploy the C.A.B. and have a small mobile power unit so you can deploy buildings on the fly to temporary help you craft by hand!

VIII.IV. Decorations

Add small decorations as tributes to the lovely community

X. Development and Discussion

For discussions and information about the mods. You can also hang out with us on discord:

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XI. Bugs & FAQ

For bug reports.

XII. Donations and Chocolate Fund

For chocolates!