Archengius / ZenTools

Tools for extracting cooked packages from the IoStore container files
MIT License
47 stars 14 forks source link


ZenTools extracts cooked packages (.uasset/.uexp) from the IoStore container files (.ucas/.utoc + .pak).

Works on UE5.1 and 5.2 and should support legacy 5.1 archives too.


ZenTools.exe ExtractPackages <ContainerFolderPath> <ExtractionDir> [-EncryptionKeys=<KeyFile>]

If your game has encrypted paks, you must provide a keys.json, in the following format:

  "KeyGUID1": "KeyHex1",
  "KeyGUID2": "KeyHex2"

Obviously if your game only has one encryption key, you only need to specify one entry.


ZenTools.exe ExtractPackages "D:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\somegame\\projectname\\Content\\Paks" "D:\\somegame\\Output" -EncryptionKeys="D:\\somegame\\keys.json"

Since the game in the above example needs an AES key, this is the following keys.json file:
