Archimedes4 / UBC_Meal_Hub

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This is an Expo project created with create-expo-app.

Firebase Schema


ingredient_id: string name: string image: string


![Note]Rating is the rating_sum/rating_count food_id: string pretty: string this can have duplicates just needs to be unique to the restuant name: string rating_sum: number is the sum of sum(Itams/Stars/rating) rating_count: is the cound of count(Itams/Stars) hearts: string[] contains the uid of the users that have heated the food ingredients: string[] an array of ingrident_id image: string (the id of the image) ONLY jpg date: number_Epoch restaurant_id: string category: string of type resturant category (see resturant categories)


![Note] when updating this run a transaction to also update rating_sum and rating_count. uid: string rating: number [1,5]

sum(rating) count(Itams/Stars)


restaurant_id (should be a uid) pretty (something nice for url like Open_Kitchen) name image (the id of the image) ONLY jpg restaurant_categories: string[] // This array can only have things add to this.


uid name email resturant_preference (resturant_id or "none")