ArchipelagoMW / Archipelago

Archipelago Multi-Game Randomizer and Server
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Bug: Cannot connect to a server with unknown own identity. #2220

Open ThatsNasu opened 9 months ago

ThatsNasu commented 9 months ago

What happened?

I now tried the whole day to setup a factorio server with archipelagio to take part in a multiworld. Shortened rundown of my steps:

at this point i thought that my factorio version is too old for the archipelagio, so i fully removed factorio (literally EVERYTHING), downloaded the 1.1.68 (which is the first possible download with stable version after the 1.142 which was used as demo screenshots on the setup guide) to ensure a newer version. then i took the same steps as above except installing archipelagio. Now i encounter "No Archipelagio mod was loaded. Aborting" as error. trying to connect to a server anyways results in the same unknown own identity error. after that i gave it another shot and tried everything from scratch with latest factorio stable release, still to no avail. Whenever i switched factorio versions, i generated a fresh aswell as deleted the scenario file.

Additional: i cant pick "Bridging/Connecting to Server" in the dropdown in this issue, would best describe my issue. Also since i would love to link the logs with this issue but cant find a upload feature: logs

And if i might sound a bit annoyed or mad, it isnt in my interest to offend anyone or sth, i'm just exhausted from troubleshooting without getting something done. greetings Nasu

What were the expected results?

well, obvioulsy i would love to have a better setup guide (since in the guide the text logically jumps around between archipelagio server, archipelagio client, factorio server and factorio client without clearly noting which instance of servers and clients the steps need to be executed on) stating supported versions would be nice aswell, on top i would love to have a setup guide for linux headless, since - again - in my case it should've been running on a dedicated server. and regarding this issue overall: i would love to follow the setup guide and get something running.


Local generation

chandlerwr commented 6 months ago

I ran into the same problem setting up the client to run within a Docker container. I tested it with and without the --connect and I've attached the logs for those: w_connect_option.log wout_connect_option.log

It seems that the RCON connection gets established as the last step, so when the client goes to connect to the Archipelago server, RCON hasn't started yet.

Not using the --connect option and entering /connect [server] through the command line (after the server starts) seems to avoid the issue. If you don't have access to the CLI, I feel like there should be some way to pipe a string like that in, but I'm not sure. I haven't tested whether /connect is possible from within Factorio or not.