Open threeandthreee opened 3 days ago
@palex00 would you mind testing?
old client needs to be explicitly deleted in inno_setup.iss as well.
If you're removing the top-level script entirely, you'll want to modify inno_setup.iss
to change the windows file extension registration from the LADX client exe to the launcher exe.
Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".apladx"; ValueData: "{#MyAppName}ladxpatch"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; ValueType: string; ValueName: "";
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "{#MyAppName}ladxpatch"; ValueData: "Archipelago Links Awakening DX Patch"; Flags: uninsdeletekey; ValueType: string; ValueName: "";
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "{#MyAppName}ladxpatch\DefaultIcon"; ValueData: "{app}\ArchipelagoLauncher.exe,0"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "";
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "{#MyAppName}ladxpatch\shell\open\command"; ValueData: """{app}\ArchipelagoLauncher.exe"" ""%1"""; ValueType: string; ValueName: "";
Like this?
What is this fixing or adding?
Moves the client out of root.
Much easier to distribute beta clients like this, and as I understand it we want this stuff out of root anyway.
How was this tested?
Client works, patcher works, could use more.