Arcology-Builders / arcology-website

The website for Arcology Builders, a project for a, a sustainable community home in Detroit.
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Ventilation system for Room 9 #43

Closed learner-long-life closed 5 years ago

learner-long-life commented 5 years ago

Another 4" hole needs to be drilled in the temporary wall for Room 9, 16.5" from the permanent wall, 6" down from the ceiling, to match the one that already exists over the door to Room 9.

Use plastic sheeting so dust doesn't get on Colin's bed, and vacuum up when done. Don't let the circular cutouts fall into the temporary wall, in between the sheetrock.

+5V and ground need to be run on the 20 AWG wire (white and black) between the two existing fans to an ATX power supply mounted near a power outlet onto a temporary wall.

Waiting on quiet fans arriving via Amazon Locker on Thursday. The two fans should be mounted to blow in opposite directions so air circulates through the room.

Eventually, the fans will have laundry duct feeding into and out of them, to bring in heated / cooled air and oxygen, and take out carbon dioxide, while not conducting sound.

learner-long-life commented 5 years ago

Noctua ultra-quiet fans picked up from Amazon Locker. We now need to drill another 4" hole for out-take, and replace the current loud-fan for intake, and run power wires between them.

Optionally, work on a PWM scheme with an Arduino Nano.