Arcology-Builders / arcology-website

The website for Arcology Builders, a project for a, a sustainable community home in Detroit.
MIT License
9 stars 1 forks source link
architecture builders community-land construction-company detroit ecology sustainability

Website for Detroit Arcology and Arcology Builders

This is the website source code for Arcology, a project to build and steward affordable, community housing in Detroit.

Getting Started

Clone our source code locally to your computer.

git clone

Build the CSS file.

yarn build

to generate files to serve in the dist/ directory.

Serve the files locally using a live-updating static site server:

yarn start:detroit

or, alternatively:

python3 -m http.server -d dist

Your browser should automatically open to the URL below. If it doesn't, open the URL below manually.


We recommend keeping the website and your code side-by-side. As you make changes, they'll automatically cause a refresh on the right.



cd /var/www/arcology-website
git pull
yarn clean
yarn build

Tech Stack

We use a static responsive website made with TailwindsCSS and plain HTML.