OTF is a desktop font not an optimal file to ship down the pipeline. Convert to WOFF2 and don't even offer OTF to legacy browsers that can't support.
Fonts are imported in the CSS files. Unless the build tool is configured to move those to the HTML or HTML headers hint to prefetch, the fonts will be slower to load than they already are waiting on roundtrips. (TODO @toastal: verify this claim)
Self-host Google Fonts. Privacy concerns here. Future caching will likely work differently invalidating the it-may-already-be-cached-from-that-CDN optimization. It's just better to not feed that data to Google.
Font Awesome is likely way too heavy (probably only using a small, handful of icons) and SVG icons have been the norm for years. I would use them with caution. (TODO @toastal: verify that that isn't SVG icons from the now terribly-named Font Awesome)