ArdanaLabs / audit

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Ardana Audit

Hercules-ci Cachix Cache

Build instructions

Render audit.pdf to the result directory.


Note, realistically you can dodge this because it happens in a github action and gets automatically pushed to main branch.

If you have xdg-open to open files (i.e. like in ubuntu), the Makefile will build it then open it.


Developer setup instructions

Install nix. You can technically skip this because rendering happens in github action.

Developer workflow instructions

After you push you have (wait like under a minute) to

git fetch origin
git pull origin main

To pull down the action-rendered audit.pdf, so that your later pushes aren't rejected.

Edit source files with markdown in latex, you can use nix-build to verify that nothing in the render is broken.

Here is a resource on pandoc markdown. It does differ from github markdown in a few places.

Directory structure explanation

src/: everything concerning the render

Subdirectories preamble, considerations, attacks, postamble, appendices correspond to chapters, which are roman-numeral'd in the pdf render.

src/ also has files like cover.tex, biblio.bib, and template.tex specifying all cover page, bibliography, and TeX metadata respectively.

When a new .md file is added in src one must add it's path in src/index.txt. The order in which things appear in index.txt is the order in which they'll be rendered. Links, table of contents, and bibliography are all rather intelligent.

Besides the contents of the /preamble subdirectory, you shouldn't have to worry about (roman-numeral'd) chapter names.

longreports/: research that might not go into the major public facing documents

This includes

Core branches meaning explanation

I only work on main, and I push directly to it from local.

April should work from branches with names like copywrite-<sectionname> and file pull requests to main.