AreteY / post-wildfire-recovery

An Earth Lab Certificate project studying post-wildfire recovery.
MIT License
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Post-Wildfire Recovery

This is an Earth Lab Certificate project by Heidi Yoon studying post-wildfire recovery.

Project Motivation and Goal

Project Environment

To run our project workflow, clone this repository:

$ git clone

Then install the python environment described below.

Installing and Running the Environment

  1. Download the file neon-environment.yml from this repository, which contains instructions on how to install the environment, into the project directory post-wildfire-recovery.
  2. Create the environment by running:
    $ conda env create -f neon-environment.yml
  3. Once the environment is installed, activate it by running:
    $ conda activate earth-analytics-neon

Tools and Packages Used

Project Background

To learn more about the Chimney Tops 2 Fire and the motivation for this project, please see our blog post post_wildfire_blog.ipynb notebook and the fire progression figure in the Reports folder and the Graphics folder (fire_progression.png and grsm_fire_map.png), respectively.

To create the final post_wildfire_blog.html output, start the project environment and make sure you are in the reports directory within post-wildfire-recovery. Then run jupyter nbconvert for the post_wildfire_blog.html output.

$ conda activate earth-analytics-neon
$ cd reports
$ jupyter nbconvert --to html --TemplateExporter.exclude_input=True post_wildfire_blog.ipynb

Data Sources

Raster data

  1. NEON Spectrometer Reflectance
  2. Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance
    • Reference: Landsat Level-2 Surface Reflectance Science Product, courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. Vermote, E., Justice, C., Claverie, M., & Franch, B. (2016). Preliminary analysis of the performance of the Landsat 8/OLI land surface reflectance product. Remote Sensing of Environment. Dataset accessed from on June 6, 2022.

Vector data

  1. Chimney Tops 2 Fire Perimeter
    • Reference: MTBS Data Access: Fire Level Geospatial Data. (2022, February - last revised). MTBS Project (USDA Forest Service/U.S. Geological Survey). Available: Data accessed April 3, 2022.
    • Available for download in this repository as Release v1.0.0 chimtops2-boundary
  2. Great Smoky Mountains National Park Perimeter
    • Reference: National Park Service- Land Resources Division. Great Smoky Mountains National Park Boundary. (December 30, 2019 - last revised). Available: Data accessed March 28, 2022.
    • Available for download in this repository as Release v1.0.1 grsm-boundary
  3. NEON Terrestrial Observation System Sampling Locations

Tabular data

  1. NEON Plant Presence and Percent Cover

Project Workflow

The project workflow is a post-wildfire vegetation recovery analysis in which the vegetation recovery of an 1-km2 area within the burn perimeter is characterized using vegetation indices and evaluated with a spectral analysis. First, vegetation indices (NBR: normalized burn ratio, NDVI: normalized difference vegetation index, MSAVI: modified soil adjusted vegetation index) are calculated using Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance and NEON Spectrometer Reflectance Measurements. Second, we have begun the spectral analysis by building the spectral library with the reflectance spectra and percent cover for NEON Terrestrial Observation System sampling locations within the fire boundary. Finally, multiple endmember spectral band analysis will be used to spectrally unmix the NEON Spectrometer Reflectance Measurements and evaluate the vegetation recovery at a sub-pixel level.

Run Workflow

To run any of the notebooks in this repository:

Example Usage


The post-wildfire-recovery project is under the MIT License.


  author = {Yoon, Y. Heidi and Ilangakoon, Nayani},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6574445},
  month = {5},
  title = {{Post-Wildfire Recovery}},
  url = {},
  version = {1.1.0},
  year = {2021}