Trades and profits tracking for all daytrades and bots in one easy-to-use Web Front-end. Just import all your trades from Binance, add your partial trades together and calculate the profit you made daily and overall. More features are planned (See TODO-s). This App is build using Spring Boot, Thymeleaf and Bootstrap. Trade Tracker uses the webcerebrium binance api and Java CryptoCompare Unofficial API Client wrappers.
First download and install mariadb. Create a new user and start it up. Trade Tracker won't start without a running db instance.
Installing mariadb on linux and creating a new user:
sudo apt install mariadb-server
sudo service mysql stop
sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &
mysql -u root
use mysql;
update user set password=PASSWORD("new_password_here") where User='root' and Host ='localhost';
update user set plugin="mysql_native_password";
sudo service mysql restart
On Windows install HeidiSQL for easy access.
Alternatively: Binance Trade Tracker will also work with other SQL DB-s but you need to change the pom.xml
files accordingly.
Easiest way to install Trade Tracker is to clone the repo and build from source. If you are not familiar with Java and Maven or don't want to build from source code yourself, just download the release compiled jar and run that. You will still need to create and fill out the
file and place it in the same folder as the jar.
Update: Binace trade tracker now only runs with Java 11.
server.port=50001 => localhost:50001
spreadsheet into tradeHistory.path=
.For example Windows:
For example Linux:
to currency of your choice.Currently supported values are: EUR
and USD
Note: The API trade import is not yet ready.
In order to run Binance Trade Tracker from the jar just navigate to the folder where you downloaded it and run:
java -jar binance-profit-tracker-0.0.7.jar --spring.config.location=""
Jeffery for uploading hes project to maven central.
Everyone who has given feedback.
ETH: 0xBeA6fC790Ad1171132fC257aA8173dA20847eB92