ArianaKhit / text-snippets-obsidian

Snippets plugin for obsidian
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Feature request: Better support for long snippets. #46

Open willow512 opened 2 years ago

willow512 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for a great mod.

Right now the snippets are inside the configuration you have to use $nl$ for multiline support. This works but is a bit convoluted especially when like me you're only using large multiline snippets which change often. I thought about this and I have some suggestions that I hope you find valuable.

I'm a lead developer, my work is primarily code issues, design, and meetings. So I'd use the following snippets.

I'd like to be able to assign a vault folder to my snippets, put my snippets there as files. Then if I have a in that folder (or if you like) I would like to be able to type test[ctrl-space] and insert the entire where every line of that file is indented with the same amount as my cursor is currently indented.

ArianaKhit commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thank you for your suggest! This feature is already in development #45 I hope it will be available very soon