Ariostgx / lctgen

[CoRL 2023] The official code for paper "Language Conditioned Traffic Generation"
Apache License 2.0
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Language Conditioned Traffic Generation

Language Conditioned Traffic Generation
Shuhan Tan1, Boris Ivanovic2, Xinshuo Weng2, Marco Pavone2, Philipp Krähenbühl1

1UT Austin, 2 NVIDIA

Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2023

Webpage | Video | Paper (Arxiv) | Demo (Colab)


  1. Generate traffic scene with existing Structured Representation.
  2. Generate traffic scene from existing LLM output.
  3. Generate traffic scene with natural language and GPT-4 (requires OpenAI API Key).

Please also refer to the code inside for demonstrations of basic model usage.

Setup local environment

# Clone the code to local
git clone
cd lctgen

# Create virtual environment
conda create -n lctgen python=3.8
conda activate lctgen

# You should install pytorch by yourself to make them compatible with your GPU
pip install torch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 -f

# Install other dependency
pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick start

We provide a demo dataset and a pretrained model for quick start.

This is meant to be a quick demonstration of the model usage. For complete training and evaluation, please refer to the next section.

Download demo data

Please download the demo dataset of 30 scene clips from here.

And then unzip all the files inside into data/demo/waymo folder.

Download pretrained model

Please download the example model checkpoint example.ckpt from here.

And then put it into checkpoints folder.

Setup logger

By default we use wandb to log the training process. You will need to login to wandb first.

You can also use tensorboard by setting _C.LOGGER to tsboard in lctgen/config/

Evaluate with demo data

python lctgen/  --run-type eval --exp-config cfgs/demo_inference.yaml

Training with demo data

python lctgen/  --run-type train --exp-config cfgs/demo_train.yaml

Training and evaluation

Download full dataset

We follow the data processing process in TrafficGen:

  1. Download from Waymo Open Dataset:
  1. Data Preprocess

    python scripts/ PATH_A PATH_B
    • Note: PATH_B is where you store the processed data.
  2. Change _C.DATASET.DATA_PATH to PATH_B in lctgen/config/

Evaluate with demo data

python lctgen/  --run-type eval --exp-config cfgs/inference.yaml

Training with full data

python lctgen/  --run-type train --exp-config cfgs/train.yaml

Related repositories

We use code in TrafficGen for data processing and visualization. TrafficGen related code is in trafficgen folder.

To Do


We thank Yuxiao Chen, Yulong Cao, and Danfei Xu for their insightful discussions. This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS-1845485.

We also thank authors of TrafficGen for their open source code.


    title={Language Conditioned Traffic Generation},
    author={Shuhan Tan and Boris Ivanovic and Xinshuo Weng and Marco Pavone and Philipp Kraehenbuehl},
    booktitle={7th Annual Conference on Robot Learning},