Arisstath / roblox-dissector

Roblox UDP Protocol Dissector
MIT License
129 stars 16 forks source link


The Essential Roblox Network Suite

GitHub Workflow Status Documentation Go Report Release v1.0.0-rc.1 Discord Chat

Sala is a suite of tools to aid developers, hackers* and designers in understanding the internal workings of Roblox networking. Currently, Sala is in beta. Contributions are welcome. Check out the GitHub Wiki for documentation.

* The word “hacker” is used here in the same sense as Atom is a “hackable” editor.

Getting builds

Some releases are available under the releases tab. Nightly builds can be found by going to Actions and picking the latest commit and downloading windows-binary from under "Artifacts". Instructions for compiling the project can be found on the Wiki. Make sure to install the GTK3 runtime before attempting to run Sala.



Sala provides a offline interface for exploring PCAP files.

DataModel browser

About the name

Sala < Finnish salaisuus ‘secret’ (noun). The name refers to how Sala introduces its user to many obscure aspects of the Roblox network protocol.