ArkProjectNFTs / ark-project

ArkProject is a liquidity layer for digital assets, uniting markets, empowering creators, and bridging the gap to mass adoption. Built on top of Starknet, ArkProject is designed to provide a fully decentralized and trustless orderbook on-chain.
Apache License 2.0
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Infrastructure for Digital Assets Exchange

ArkProject is a liquidity layer for digital assets, uniting markets, empowering creators, and bridging the gap to mass adoption. Built on top of Starknet, ArkProject is designed to provide a fully decentralized and trustless orderbook on-chain. --- ## Documentation - **For documentation and guides, visit**: []( - **Changelog**: []( ## Community For help, discussion about best practices, or any other conversation that would benefit from being searchable: [Discuss ArkProject on GitHub]( For casual chat with others using the ArkProject: - **Telegram**: [Join our Telegram group]( - **X**: [Follow us on X]( ### What You Can Build with ArkProject ArkProject offers a flexible and powerful infrastructure for building various decentralized applications and services in the digital assets space. Here are some examples of what you can build: - **Decentralized Marketplaces**: Create fully decentralized and trustless marketplaces for digital assets, enabling direct user-to-user trading without intermediaries. - **Custom Marketplaces for Collections**: Develop specialized marketplaces tailored to specific NFT collections, providing creators with dedicated platforms. - **Generic Marketplaces**: Build general-purpose marketplaces that support a wide range of digital assets. - **Private Marketplaces**: Establish private marketplaces for exclusive projects or communities. - **Integration with Existing Platforms**: Enhance existing marketplaces, wallets, and decentralized apps with ArkProject's decentralized trading capabilities. - **Market Makers**: Develop scripts to automate buying and selling activities, providing liquidity and market efficiency. - **Mobile Apps**: Create mobile applications that leverage ArkProject’s infrastructure for on-the-go access to decentralized marketplaces and trading functionalities. These capabilities allow developers to leverage ArkProject for a wide variety of use cases in the growing digital assets ecosystem. ## Project Overview ### Key Components - **Layer 3 on Starknet**: Utilizes a modified version of the Dojo Katana sequencer. - **Starknet Smart Contracts**: Handle order creation, fulfillment, and marketplace registration. - **Orderbook Smart Contracts**: Enable a decentralized and trustless orderbook on Layer 3. - **Crosschain Messaging**: Facilitates interaction between Starknet contracts and orderbooks. ### Features - **Marketplace Fees & Creator Fees**: Handled via our protocol, supporting EIP-2981 for royalties. - **Open Source Marketplaces**: Allows anyone to create their own marketplaces for collections or private projects. - **SDKs**: Vanilla JS library and React hook library for seamless integration into front ends. ### Networks #### Mainnet - **Sequencer Address (Arkchain)**: []( - **Starknet Executor Contract**: []( #### Sepolia - **Sequencer Address (Arkchain)**: []( - **Starknet Executor Contract**: []( ### Demo Check out our demo app showcasing a mini marketplace: [ArkProject SDK Demo]( ## Repository Structure ### Contracts - [Common Contracts]( - [Orderbook Contracts]( - [Starknet Contracts]( - [Test Tokens Contracts]( ### Libraries - [ArkProject Core Vanilla JS Library]( - [ArkProject React Library]( ### Example App - [Mini Marketplace Demo]( ### Deployment Tools - [Deploy Package]( ### Crates for NFT Indexation - [Pontos (NFT Indexer Library)]( - [Metadata]( - [Starknet Utilities]( - [Diri (Indexer Library for Solis and Arkchain)]( ### Layer 3 Sequencer - [Solis]( ## Quick Start for Local Development 0. **Setup env vars** ```bash cp .env.example .env ``` 1. **Install the latest Dojo version** (currently 0.0.7-alpha.1) - Follow the guide: 2. **Install Packages** ```bash pnpm install ``` 3. **Build Contracts** ```bash cd contracts && scarb build --workspace ``` 4. **Launch Katana** ```bash katana ``` 5. **Deploy Starknet Contracts** ```bash pnpm deploy:starknet:local ``` 6. **Launch Solis** ```bash cargo run -p solis -- --chain-id 0x736f6c6973 --messaging crates/solis/messaging.local.json --disable-fee -p 7777 ``` 7. **Deploy Solis Contracts** ```bash pnpm deploy:solis:local ``` 8. **Build the Core and React SDKs** ```bash pnpm build --filter=core --filter=react ``` 9. **Try Core SDK Examples** ```bash cd examples/core cp .env.example .env npx bun fulfillListing.ts ``` ## License ArkProject is licensed under the [Apache License](./LICENCE). --- We hope you find ArkProject useful and encourage you to contribute to its development. If you have any questions, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Happy coding!