ArkTaskMakers / MakerTracker

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Maker Tracker

This app is intended to give the ability for a community to monitor the supply and demand of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment).

"Makers" are able self-report on their progress for sourcing and creating PPE related items. Hospitals/Clinics/etc are able to request PPE from their community. And finally these groups of people are able to see in real-time the logistical information of where items are going.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  1. Windows or *nix machine
  2. .NET Core 3.1 installed
  3. VS Code to work on Angular (or similiar editor)
  4. Visual Studio 2019 to work on the C# API Side (VS Code will do also) What things you need to install the software and how to install them


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

  1. Clone this repo!

  2. Setup up your local sql database

    // Run from the same folder as the .sln
    dotnet ef database update
  3. Run the project!

    // Run from the same folder as the .sln
    dotnet run
  4. Open the site

    goto https://localhost:5001
  5. Generate Test Data - This will insert randomized Profiles and Transactions.

    goto https://localhost:5001/api/gis/generateTestData
  6. Generate a zipped GIS Shapefile

    goto https://localhost:5001/api/gis

From there you can login/register an account. It's already configured to hit Auth0 that we have setup for development purposes.

The Angular site is located in the `/ClientApp` folder

## Built With

* [ASP.NET Core 3.1]( - Used for our API calls from Angular
* [Angular 9]( - Our frontend site!
* [Yarn]( - Package manager for the Angular
* [Typewriter]( - Used to sync c# models to typescript
* [NetTopologySuite]( - Generates GIS Shapefiles

## Contributing

We take PR's! 

## Authors

See also the list of [contributors]( who participated in this project.