Note: Chrome developers have announced that Chrome Apps are being phased out. Apps are no longer available from the Chrome Web Store, but can still be installed using the method outlined below. Because of this I am not planning to continue maintaining this app other than fixing any breaking changes that may come along. They have not yet announced when they are removing support completely, so until then I will try to keep it usable.
A Google Chrome App that saves TW changes back to File System.
It might even work in Chrome OS, although I have not tested it. Any feedback is welcome.
Feel free to give input or open pull requests.
TWC is not supported currently. See
To install, go to and download the crx file from the latest release. Then follow the instructions in the link below to install.
Once you have it installed, go to chrome://apps to open it. It works different than TiddlyFox in this way.
to be called when there are temp changes to be saved or cleared. Probably a zero length string to clear it.Hat tip to TiddlyFox for the TWC code skelaton and other ideas.