Armael / marracheck

Gotta check them all!
10 stars 3 forks source link


Note: this is at the moment still a WIP project that is developed erratically when the authors find time to do so.

Design notes (in French): marracheck-design-notes.


As an opam package

To just obtain the marracheck binary, pinning the repository using opam should work.

opam pin add

Afterwards, one still needs to install separately the external solver, see instructions below.

Local development copy

After cloning this repository, run:

git submodule update --init --recursive # fetch the vendored copy of the opam libs that we use
opam install --deps-only .  # or, to create a fresh local switch: opam switch create --deps-only . ocaml-base-compiler.4.09.1
dune build
dune exec -- src/marracheck.exe --help
# (right now the only interesting marracheck command is `run`)

Then, install the external solver; see instructions below.

External solver

Right now marracheck needs an extra external solver to be installed and available in the $PATH. This is obviously not ideal and will be improved in the future.


git clone
cd Open-WBO-Inc
make r

This will build an open-wbo-inc_release binary, that you need to copy somewhere where it can be found through $PATH.

Running marracheck

Finally, marracheck requires an opam repository available locally (for example with git clone Then marracheck can be run with:

dune exec -- src/marracheck.exe run \
  /path/to/opam-repository \
  /path/to/marracheck-state \

This will attempt to compile all versions of all packages compatible with ocaml 4.13.1. The /path/to/marracheck-state directory will contain a binary cache directory of the packages, a standard opamroot, and a switches directory that tracks the progress of marracheck. The behavior of opam invoked by marracheck can be configured with environment variables (see opam env --help for a full list.)