Arshitha / Entertainment-Tracking-system

This is a web application that would allow users to keep track of their TV shows and interact with other users with similar interests.
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One of the major sources of entertainment are TV shows and movies. Streaming media companies such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime are ever more popular today than before. However, it's gets difficult to keep track of the series or movies that we watch since they are all scattered on different apps. For instance, if I were to start watching Game of Thrones on Prime via HBO and Stranger Things on Netflix on the same day and follow them both it can get particularly annoying to keep track of both series.

VeoShare is a web application that'll keep track of the TV series/movie that the user is watching and on which application they are watching, their progress, watch history, reviews and ratings. Additionally, they have access to their friends' ratings and reviews and an option to start discussion forums. They can also plan their watch schedule using the calendar functionality which would be automatically updated for new releases and air dates of Trending TV shows.

Website URL

Test page


Repository Structure:

Front End:

There are 2 versions of the Front End for now: 

Temporarily Deployed Website:

  VeoShare is the folder that contains the deployed application code.

Back end:

  The BackEnd folder contains all the Back End code.

Implemented Features:

  1. Search movie
  2. Add to playlist
  3. Give recommendations ( recently popular, top rated, based on personal playlist)
  4. Write comments

Features planned to Implement

Home page:

After Registration:

User Profile:


Entertainment Room:

Create Playlist:

Presentation Slides