ArtemKirsanov / BlenderSpike

A Blender add-on to bring animations from NEURON
MIT License
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blender-addon neuron neuroscience

BlenderSpike ⚡

An add-on for Blender, to create 3D activity animations of NEURON models.

"Buy Me A Coffee"


If you wish to run your own simulations, you will need to install a copy of NEURON (see instructions). After this, install the Python companion module by running:

pip install git+

(install it to the same environment that contains NEURON)

📄 Basic usage

Note For more detailed examples see demos directory

BlenderSpike constists of 2 parts.

I) blenderspike_py is a Python companion module which makes it easy to record voltage across all segments in your NEURON model and save the data as a .pickle file.

II) BlenderSpike addon adds a set of UI panels, which let you load the resulting .pickle file and bring your morphology into Blender along with voltage animation.

NEURON → pickle

BlenderSpike pulls geometry and 3D location data from NEURON objects and operates with nmn.Section instances (see documentation). This implies that you use Python to initialize and run NEURON models using the neuron.h module.

1) Set up your model morphology and biophysics in NEURON (but don't run the simulation yet)

2) Create an instance of CellRecorder class by passing a list of all Sections, which constitute the modelled cell

3) Run the NEURON model (using h.continuerun or any other way)

4) Export the model and its activity by calling CellRecorder.save_pickle()

pickle → Blender

1) In the Blender 3D view window navigate to the BlenderSpike panel (press n to show the menu)

2) In the "Neuron Bulder" tab click on the folder icon (Path to file), select the .pickle you created and click "Build a neuron"

3) To add a voltage material, navigate to "Shading Manager" panel, choose a colormap and voltage color limits

4) Select the neuron parent object and click "Create a voltage coloring"

BlenderSpike Walkthrough

🎨 Customizing neurons

Coordinates 🛰️

BlenderSpike uses internal coordinates of NEURON (eg. nrn.Section.x3d) to position neurons in the scene. These often be way off (especially for reconstructed morphologies), so two options are provided during the neuron creation in Blender.

1) To make sure that soma is located in the center of the scene (0,0,0) check the "Center at origin" option 2) To adjust for different scales (for example NEURON units can be much larger / smaller than Blender's) change the Downscale factor slider.


Coordinates from .pickle will be divided (not multiplied) by the downscale factor

Geometry 📐


BlenderSpike allows you to control spatial resolution of both the morphology and voltage animation with a single segmentation parameter. More a more detailed explation of what it stands for, see [Segmentations and linear interpolation](###Segmentations and linear interpolation).

On a high level – bigger segmentation values make the morphology and the voltage dynamics look more detailed and visually pleasing, but require more time to render and may cause more crashes.

Branch thickness

Thickness factor of branches is controlled by the branch thickness slider. Depending on the relationship between units used in NEURON and Blender optimal values may vary.

Thickness homogeneity

For the sake of visualization, BlenderSpike allows you to control the displayed "homogeneity" of branch thickness. This does not affect the simulation result and is used only to see thin branches better.

Be careful, since increasing the homogeneity will probably require to tweak the thickness factor. Just play around with thickness homogeneity and baseline branch thickness to find the optimal balance ;)

Coloring 🌈

In order to color the neuron according to the values of membrane voltage you need to choose a colormap and set voltage limits. To set a colormap type its name in the text field and press "Create a voltage coloring" (make sure that the parent empty object is selected).

Available colormaps: Colormaps are parsed by name using seaborn.color_palette(), so please refer to the documentation

There is also an option to create a sub-map from a portion of an existing colormap by specifying normalized start color and stop color (from a range between 0 and 1)

❗Things to keep in mind❗

❗Reloading data

Note, that when you save a Blender file as .blend, meshes and metadata are saved, but the Python objects and frame_change_post handlers are discarded when the application is closed. This is why after each opening the .blend file you will need to manually reload the animation handlers by selecting the NEURON parent Null object and clicking on "Reload animation data" in the BlenderSpike panel.

❗Blender crashes

For some reason during rendering long animations (1000s of frames) and/or handling scenes with large number of segments Blender often crashes. At the moment I'm not sure what causes this (maybe not enough video memory or something). Just keep this in mind and remember to save your files frequently 🙂

⚙️ How it works

Recording voltage

In Python, CellRecorder class initializes an array of h.Vector instances to record the voltage of each segment along the neuron tree over the entire simulation.

Dumping into pickle

When you call save_pickle(), the CellRecorder iterates over all its sections and for each, constructs the following dictionary:

A list of such section dictionaries is what is dumped into the pickle.

Frame-wise voltage is obtained by resampling source voltage array with FRAME_NUM points.

Constructing the mesh

Updating voltage attributes

Inside Blender the spatial profile of voltage is represented as a custom Vertex attribute (you could see it in Blender's Spreadsheet tab)

Updating the voltage profile in time relies on using frame_change_post handler.

Every time you build a neuron, internally an instance of BlenderNeuron class is created. It has a voltage_handler method that loops over all the sections and sets the voltage attribute according to a current frame (as a lookup from the .pickle file). To be automatically called every time the frame changes, the voltage_handler method of a given neuron should be appended to the list of Blender's frame_change_post handlers.

Because Blender doesn't save the handler objects in the .blend file, every time you close and open Blender, you need to re-create the handlers (see Reloading data)

Segmentations and linear interpolation

Under the hood, NEURON typically ignores how the morphology is laid out in 3D space (as specified by .x3d(), .y3d() etc). It only uses the section lengths, radii and the topology (which sections are connected to which) to run the simulations. This results in 2 types of discrectization:

1) Spatial discrectization of the actual morphology (points to specify 3D positions and angles of sections) $N=\text{n3d()}$

2) Spatial discrectization for numerical simulations (each Section is broken up into .nseg segments that are treated as cylinders to run biophysical calculations) – $N=\text{nseg}$

To bring the model into Blender interpolation is performed to contstuct a one-to-one mapping between the two discrectization for each Section.

Resulting interpolated coordinates are using during branches contruction, while interpolated voltage arrays are used to set point attributes of branch vertices on every frame in a consistent manner.

Thus, the segmentation parameter controls both the morphological detailization and the detailization of voltage profile simultaneously.


Be aware that increasing the segmentation parameter in Blender will not make the result more detailed than what is stored in .pickle. So make sure you simulate the model with enough nseg and with the detailed enough .swc morphology to begin with.
