Artemis-the-gr8 / PlayerStatsExpansion

A PlaceholderAPI expansion for PlayerStats
MIT License
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Adds placeholders for PlayerStats!

On this page, you'll find an explanation of how to use the placeholders, including some detailed examples.
For FAQ, also see the Wiki.


Important Note about Usage

For the placeholders to work, you need a matching PlayerStats version! Expansion PlayerStats
2.0.0 2 or above
1.2.0 1.7.2
1.1.0 1.7
1.0.0 1.7


General Formatting Rules



The available keywords are:


Important: a keyword for selection and statistic must always be included!
So, some examples of valid placeholders would be:

* %playerstats_ server, animals_bred%
* %playerstats_ title: 3, cake_slices_eaten%
* %playerstats_ top: 5, deaths%
* %playerstats_ me, jump%
* %playerstats_ only:number, player: Artemis_the_gr8, mine_block: diorite%
* %playerstats_ only:player_name, player: Artemis_the_gr8, break_item: diamond_sword%



You can use placeholders to display the 3 different kinds of statistics PlayerStats offers:


Top-placeholders display a single line from a top-statistic. The number specified for n determines which line is shown.
In this example, you would get the player in position 2 of the most-killed-zombies-list.

%playerstats_ top: n, stat_name: sub_stat_name%

# Example:
%playerstats_ top: 2, kill_entity: zombie%




The player-name needs to be from a player that has played on the server, and is not being excluded by any of PlayerStats' config settings (for example the exclude-banned-players setting).

In this example, you can see that the statistic does not have a sub-statistic, so it does not need to be filled in here.

%playerstats_ player: player-name, stat_name: sub_stat_name%  

# Example:
%playerstats_ player: Artemis_the_gr8, jump%




%playerstats_ server, stat_name: sub_stat_name%

# Example:
%playerstats_ server, play_one_minute%  




On top of the statistic-placeholders, there are also placeholders to display the statistic-names in a pretty way. To include "Top x" before the stat-name, include a number after the title selection.

%playerstats_ title: n, stat_name: sub_stat_name%

# Example:
%playerstats_ title:3, damage_dealt%
%playerstats_title, damage_dealt%



PlayerStats Prefix

Finally, there are some placeholders to get the PlayerStats prefix, either as a title or as a regular prefix:

- %playerstats_prefix%
- %playerstats_prefixtitle%
- %playerstats_rainbowprefix%
- %playerstats_rainbowprefixtitle%



Statistic Choices

The placeholders support all vanilla Minecraft statistics.
These statistics can be divided into two types: general ones, and ones that need a block, item or entity as sub-statistic.

The stat_names and sub_stat_names are the same as they are for PlayerStats' /stat command, so you can always check with PlayerStats' tab-complete function to verify.

All Supported Statistics:

### For block, item and entity:
- mine_block: block_name
- craft_item: item_name
- use_item: item_name
- break_item: item_name
- pickup: item_name
- drop: item_name
- kill_entity: entity_name
- entity_killed_by: entity_name

### General:
- animals_bred
- armor_cleaned
- aviate_one_cm
- banner_cleaned
- beacon_interaction
- bell_ring
- boat_one_cm
- brewingstand_interaction
- cake_slices_eaten
- cauldron_filled
- cauldron_used
- chest_opened
- clean_shulker_box
- climb_one_cm
- crafting_table_interaction
- crouch_one_cm
- damage_dealt
- damage_dealt_absorbed
- damage_dealt_resisted
- damage_taken
- damage_blocked_by_shield
- damage_absorbed
- damage_resisted
- deaths
- dispenser_inspected
- drop_count
- dropper_inspected
- enderchest_opened
- fall_one_cm
- flower_potted
- fly_one_cm
- fish_caught
- furnace_interaction
- hopper_inspected
- horse_one_cm
- interact_with_anvil
- interact_with_blast_furnace
- interact_with_campfire
- interact_with_cartography_table
- interact_with_grindstone
- interact_with_lectern
- interact_with_loom
- interact_with_smithing_table
- interact_with_smoker
- interact_with_stonecutter
- item_enchanted
- jump
- leave_game
- minecart_one_cm
- mob_kills
- noteblock_played
- noteblock_tuned
- open_barrel
- pig_one_cm
- play_one_minute
- player_kills
- raid_trigger
- raid_win
- record_played
- shulker_box_opened
- sleep_in_bed
- sneak_time
- sprint_one_cm
- strider_one_cm
- swim_one_cm
- talked_to_villager
- target_hit
- time_since_death
- time_since_rest
- total_world_time
- traded_with_villager
- trapped_chest_triggered
- walk_on_water_one_cm
- walk_one_cm
- walk_under_water_one_cm


Full Example

The below picture includes the following placeholders:

- %playerstats_ rainbowprefixtitle%
- %playerstats_ title:3, damage_dealt%
- %playerstats_ top:1, damage_dealt%
- %playerstats_ top:2, damage_dealt%
- %playerstats_ top:3, damage_dealt%
- :D (not a placeholder)
- %playerstats_ player:Artemis_the_gr8, jump%
- %playerstats_ server, play_one_minute%
- %playerstats_ server, walk_one_cm%
- ...
- %playerstats_ title, aviate_one_cm%
- %playerstats_ title:10, entity_killed_by: zombie%