ArtemisDicoTiar / FastLLM

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Accelerating Large Language Model decoding: When small models can help LLM.

SNU - Natural Language Processing, Final Project

2023 - Autumn


The project aims to improve the generation speed of Large Language Models (LLMs) by using smaller models (drafters) to generate token drafts in parallel. These drafts are then accepted or replaced by the LLM. Two approaches are considered: using Knowledge Distillation to transfer the target model's distribution to smaller models and generating a pseudo-dataset to train non-neural models. Experiments will be conducted on summarization tasks using the CNN/DailyMail dataset, with the target model being FLAN-T5-XL and drafters including N-gram models, CNN, LSTM, and T5-small. Evaluation will compare acceptance rates between distilled and baseline models.

Presentation Link


종윤 (@ArtemisDicoTiar), 재석 (@medduk9871), 원표 (@lenscloth), 재진 (@jjkim0807), Romain (@RomainStorai)

Problem Definition

Large Language Models (LLMs) are struggling on generation speed as it requires auto-regressive generation (sequential token by token generation). This is mainly caused by a memory bottleneck. We can therefore use in parallel a condensed model of the target model (orginial LLM that we want to speed-up) that will draft tokens. The drafts can be accepted by the system or can be replaced by the LLM generation. It is then possible to generate in one step at least one token (no time lost) and at most $\gamma + 1$ tokens if we are lucky.

Our goal is to make the drafts the more likely to be accepted by the target model (tend to generate $\gamma + 1$ tokens), which enables the generation to be accelerated. Therefore, in this project, we aim to infuse the target model distribution to the drafters to increase the possibility of drafter model generation acceptance rate.

Possible Solutions

  1. Use Knowledge Distillation to infuse the probability distribution output of the teacher model to smaller student models.
    • We will apply this techniques to CNN, LSTM and T5 small models.
  2. Generate a pseudo-dataset that mimic the probability distributions of the teacher model, and train models on it.
    • We will apply this techniques to non-neural models. We will actually build ngrams on top of this method (since ngrams are very efficient models)/

Experiment details

For each models, we will compare the $\alpha = E(\beta)$ paramater (with $\beta$ being the acceptance rate of the drafts) between a distilled model and a baseline. The baseline is a model fine-tuned on the dataset, while the distilled model is a model after Knowledge Distillation.

Distillation Process: We use the Kullback-Leibler Divergence loss function.

$L{KD} = D{KL}( \log(\text{softmax}(input{logits} / T)) / \text{softmax}(target{logits} / T))$

Target Task and Dataset

Summarization, CNN/DailyMail



How to run

Since NgramModel isn't a deep learning model, the process is different for the "training" (making of the ngrams)

Model Checkpoints

Local checkpoints...

Model details


The NgramModel is a torch implementation of a naive n-gram model. It is used to compute the probability of the next token given the previous prefix. The model is built using a map of n-grams and their corresponding counts, which are used to calculate the probabilities.

The model uses Laplace smoothing to handle the case of unseen n-grams in the training data. The smoothing parameter can be adjusted during the model initialization.

The NgramModel class provides custom methods for saving and loading the model. The model is saved in a text format, which includes the n-gram counts and total counts. To load a saved model, you should input the path of the saved model in the resume parameter of the constructor.

The model also uses backoff models for handling cases where the prefix length is less than n-1. The backoff model is an (n-1)-gram model that is used when the current n-gram model cannot provide a prediction.

Please note that the fit method is not a training method in the traditional sense, as the model is not trainable. It simply builds the n-gram counts based on the given data.


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