ArthurFranckPat / adonis-prisma

MIT License
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Adonis JS 6 Prisma Adapter

This package is useful if you want to give a try to PrismaJS within Adonis JS 6.

Getting Started


 npm install @arthurfranckpat/adonis-prisma

You should use your favorite package manager.

Then configure the package via :

node ace configure @arthurfranckpat/adonis-prisma

This command will scaffold the config files, providers and create a prisma folder with prisma.schema file.

Post Installation

After installation, you should run the proper commands to migrate your schema and/or generate the Prisma Client :

  npx prisma generate


You have two options to use the Prisma Client. First,via Adonis IoC Container :

const prisma = await app.container.make('prisma:db')

Or by destructuring HttpContextobject :


  .get('/', async function ({ prisma }: HttpContext) {
    const posts = await


First,you should install the @adonisjs/auth and configure it with Session as Auth Guard. Then, you should replace the provider key in the config/auth.ts file with this:


  import { configProvider } from '@adonisjs/core'
  ... other imports

      provider: configProvider.create(async () => {
        const { SessionPrismaUserProvider } = await import(
        return new SessionPrismaUserProvider()

After that, you can use the provided methods to facilitate the authentication flow. Like, the @adonisjs/lucid, there is two methods for authentication (NB : these methods are available only with user model :

Notes on authentication :

Database Seeding

You can define seeders for your DB with the following command :

node ace prisma:make-seeder <name_of_the_seeder>

It will create a seeder file inside the prisma/seeders directory.

Then, to seed the database you should run : node ace prisma:seed command. NB: This command runs all the seeders files inside prisma/seeders directory.

Before leaving...

This package is my first ever package. Feel free to make feedbacks if something needs to be improved.