ArthurSonzogni / FTXUI

:computer: C++ Functional Terminal User Interface. :heart:
MIT License
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the decoration of stacked window not work correctly #788

Open walkthetalk opened 12 months ago

walkthetalk commented 12 months ago

Container::Stacked({ Renderer(comp1, [=]()->ftxui::Element { return comp1->Render() | color(ftxui::Color::Red); }), Renderer(comp2, [=]()->ftxui::Element { return comp2->Render() | color(ftxui::Color::Blue); }) })

the result is comp2 displayed as red, comp1 displayed normal without decoration.

ArthurSonzogni commented 11 months ago

This is working as expected, and as implemented. Indeed the color apply the red color everywhere. It override the blue previous blue color.

That being said, I might be working on adding support for "transparent" colors. This would require rethinking what dbox and Container::Stacked means for the effect to be closer to what developers would expect.