ArtyomPanfutov / loan-amortization-calculator

A light-weight library that allows calculating annual loan amortization schedule with a capability of setting early (additional) payments.
MIT License
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Loan amortization calculator

This is a light-weight library that allows calculating annual loan amortization schedule with a capability of setting early (additional) payments.
The calculation is implemented is in this library without using any extra heavy transitive dependencies.

It is written in Java, thus can be used in any language that have interop with Java.

How to use?

Native image

If you want to try it in a serverless container there is a project that provides a native image of a service that is a wrapper for this library. It has one HTTP endpoint for calculating loan amortization.
You can find it here.

Dependency from Maven Central Repository

Add one of the following the dependencies depending on what package manager you use.

Apache Maven


Gradle Groovy DSL

implementation 'io.github.ArtyomPanfutov:loan-amortization-calculator:1.0.9'

Gradle Kotlin DSL


Scala SBT

libraryDependencies += "io.github.ArtyomPanfutov" % "loan-amortization-calculator" % "1.0.9"

Usage example:

See the following example of source code to understand the API of the library.

  1. A Regular loan without any additional payments

        Loan loan = Loan.builder()
                .amount(500000.39) // Debt amount
                .rate(4.56)        // Interest rate
                .term(32)          // Loan term in MONTHS
        LoanAmortizationCalculator calculator = LoanAmortizationCalculatorFactory.create();
        LoanAmortization amortization = calculator.calculate(loan);
2. A loan with different kinds of addtitional payments 

        Loan loan = Loan.builder()
                .amount(BigDecimal.valueOf(500000.32))    // Loan debt
                .rate(BigDecimal.valueOf(4.56))           // Interest rate
                .term(10)                                 // Loan term in MONTHS
                .earlyPayment(3, EarlyPayment.builder()
                .earlyPayment(8, EarlyPayment.builder()

        LoanAmortizationCalculator calculator = LoanAmortizationCalculatorFactory.create();
        LoanAmortization amortization = calculator.calculate(loan);

Note, that the loan amortization calculator object can be used as a singleton since it has no shared state.

Early payments

Early payments or additional payments to a monthly payment can be passed in the map of early payments in loan object.

In that map a key is an integer that indicates the month number of that payment (numbers start with 0).
The value in the map is an early payment object.

An early payment object consists of amount, early payment type (strategy), repeating strategy, and additional parameters.

Early payment type (strategy)

There are two strategies of early payments:

Each early payment has to have either of these strategies.

Early payment repeating strategies

An early payment can have a repeating strategy. Basically it allows to copy an early payment to next months. The strategy is applied automatically before calculation starts.
This is a required parameter and for the payments that should not be repeated a SINGLE strategy should be set.

This parameter can have the following values:

Additional parameters

Additional parameters can be passed for an early payment. Currently, there is only one special parameter that should be passed for payments with TO_CERTAIN_MONTH repeating strategy.

About calculation strategies

If you pass firstPaymentDate parameter then the calculatioin strategy for interests will be actual/actual. That means the actual number of days in a month and in a year will be used to get accrued interest. Therefore, you will get different interest value with provided firstPaymentDate.

Contribution to the project

If you want to contribute - see

Pull requests are welcome!
