Delete the folder /afanasy/browser containing the CGRU web interface.
Copy the folder 'browser' to the same location in CGRU.
Generate the general CSS file from the sources:
sass --update afanasy/browser/css/src/main.scss afanasy/browser/css/main.min.css --style compressed
Generate the general JS file from the sources:
uglifyjs afanasy/browser/js/src/*.js afanasy/browser/js/src/interface/*.js afanasy/browser/js/src/nodes/*.js -c -m -o afanasy/browser/js/scripts.min.js --source-map
Windows: To integrate a window in the grid (once it is unlocked), use the CTRL key.
Sub-Windows: For example, you can access Task windows by double-clicking on a Job.
Refresh: The active window has a higher refresh (visible thanks to the circle on the left side of the title bar).
Last Update: This time corresponds to that elapsed since the last completed query.