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[Up to 1000 USDC] Port a dapp UI to Arweave #28

Closed cedriking closed 3 years ago

cedriking commented 4 years ago

Port a dapp UI to Arweave


Up to 1,000 USDC


Arweave is a decentralized, truly permanent and persistent web hosting network. It is fast for users to access (most pages are served in <200ms), it is decentralized and it’s simple to deploy to it. Because of these properties, Arweave makes an amazing platform to host the UIs for Ethereum and other Smart Contracts dApps.

Now the UI for your dApp can be as permanent as the smart contract itself. No more Amazon S3, or slow IPFS.

Arweave is such a simple solution to the problem of where to store any dApp UI, that we are sure you will love it. So sure that we are willing to give you up to 1,000 USDC just to port your dApp.


For every dApp UI that is ported to Arweave you can earn up to 1,000 USDC.

We will be using dappradar, and stateofthedapps if not available on the first one, to validate the number of users the dApp you ported has. Based on the ranking of the dApp for the protocol, we will be rewarding you 1,000 USDC for 1st place, 900 USDC for 2nd place, 800 USDC for 3rd place, and so on.

After the 10th place (100 USDC), rewards will be lowered by 10 USDC. 11th place = 90, 80 for 12th place, etc. Any dApp that isn’t on the list of both platforms, or is lower or equal, than the 19th place, will earn 10 USDC.

The prize for a dApp can be earned only once, if someone has already ported Uniswap for example, it’s not possible to port it again and earn another reward. Unless, the latest version hasn’t been ported and it’s substantially different from the previous version. In this case, the maximum reward for an updated dApp port is $100 USDC.

NOTE: We do NOT allow High-Risk or Gambling UIs to participate in this bounty. The ranking of the ported dapps are checked upon review of each submission, not when submitted. The ranking is based on the 7 day ranking



  1. You must port the UI for an existing or new smart contract dApp to fully work, without UI or route issues, on the Arweave network.
  2. Only open-source projects will be accepted, along with a link to the original Github repo.
  3. dApps whose key dependencies rely on centralised API calls may not be eligible for reward.
  4. You need to add the permaweb dApp to on the platforms’ category. Right now we have ETH dapps and EOS dapps available.
  5. High-risk and gambling UIs are not allowed to participate in this bounty.
  6. Dapps that have already been ported on Arweave with the previous version of this bounty are not allowed to participate in this bounty. You can find that previous bounty here:
  7. If somebody ports a new dApp which is not working correctly, they will have at least 7 days to fix and resubmit it before anybody else is entitled to submit the same dApp.


Don’t forget to join us on our developers’ Discord server to chat and get feedback/assistance from the Arweave team & our community!



gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 0.001 DAI (0.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) attached to it as part of the arweaveteam fund.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 264 years, 8 months from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) nezcich has started work.

I will port a popular ethereum dapp 2) anish-agnihotri has started work.

I'll be porting the Synthetix Exchange DApp to the permaweb! 3) anldrms has started work.

I'll start to make popular dapp 4) sr2005 has started work.

1Mo9cL7GbKamiXqCsyZhUi8JqYevji4bgF 5) mustafa201611 has started work. 6) igastatus has started work.

I'll port KyberSwap for this bounty. 7) skywhirl has started work.

started working on porting a top-ranking dApp 8) apoorvlathey has started work.

Ported Curve fi exchange to Arweave. 9) naderakhlagh has started work.

چگونه میتوان به صورت رایگان دای راگرفت کلاهبرداری یعنی چه؟ 10) rodgz1622 has started work.

By using the best technology by providing the fastest equipment in using in minning exploration.. make a legitimate plan.. 11) iqinvest has started work.

decentralized exchange for the token 12) sudeepb02 has started work.

I will port which is currently the most popular and in-the-news Dapp on Ethereum. I would also like to port as requested on the Arweave Discord server 13) cddelta has started work.

I'll port 1inch exchange and some other dApps to Arweave. 14) treye-tech has started work.

Hi, new to crypto but have idea on how website stuff works. looking forward to trying this out by porting an EOS app to the arweave 15) sebastiantf has started work.

I have ported Value Defi Protocol:

Github Repo: Arweave: Also published in 16) helloipm has started work.

Keep calm and collected and research 17) vporton has started work.

I will finish and afterwards port it to Arweave. 18) theweaver19 has started work.

I'll be deploying Dapps to the weave, and adding them to

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 0.001 DAI (0.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been submitted by:

  1. @nezcich
  2. @anish-agnihotri
  3. @developerfred
  4. @hydr063n
  5. @iqinvest
  6. @sudeepb02
  7. @mul1sh
  8. @vporton

@cedriking please take a look at the submitted work:

olypros commented 4 years ago

Ported Compound Finance

Permaweb link: Repo:

My eth address: 0x4ce7178B5991a32443C3Ec2511Ccf66190188314

cedriking commented 4 years ago

Hello @nezcich , there's a route issue on your current ported dApp. If you click on any of the tabs you will notice that the URL changes, and if you try to reload the page, you won't be able to access the page again.

This is part of the 1st criteria we have. Please complete this and all the other criteria we have in the description to complete the bounty.


Anish-Agnihotri commented 4 years ago

Hey @cedriking!

Looking forward to completing this bounty as I have not completed this before.

I have just ported over the complete Synthetix DApp (including Markets, Synths, Trades, and Loans) to the Permaweb. You can check it out here, although you might have to wait 5-6 seconds for everything to load in since it's a lot of data to pull the complete exchange. I have fulfilled all of the required criteria:

Completed criteria:

  1. [X] You must port the UI for an existing or new smart contract dApp to fully work, without UI or route issues, on the Arweave network.

The complete exchange has been ported and I have fixed react-router-dom across the platform to ensure it functions on the Arweave permaweb. Refreshing on any page or section works as it should, redirections work successfully and all functionality works as it should.

  1. [X] You need to add the permaweb dApp to on the platforms’ category. Right now we have ETH dapps and EOS dapps available.

I have submitted the permaweb DApp to Here is a picture of it on the ArweaveApps front-end:

Picture on ArweaveApps

  1. [X] High-risk and gambling UIs are not allowed to participate in this bounty.

Synthetix is neither a high-risk nor gambling UI.

  1. [x] Dapps that have already been ported on Arweave with the previous version of this bounty are not allowed to participate in this bounty. You can find that previous bounty here: #16

I confirmed that this DApp has not been previously ported on Arweave with the previous version of this bounty.


As of time of submission Synthetix is ranked 4th place weekly (7D, ignoring the high-risk Forsage DApp) and 5th place daily (24H, ignoring the high-risk Forsage DApp). Depending on your criteria, this equates to either 700DAI (4th place) or 600DAI (5th place).

7D ranking: 7D Ranking

24H ranking: 24H Ranking

Let me know if you have any questions—thanks for the great bounty!

wahyusmat commented 4 years ago

I have port dapps. Tokenlon

Complete criteria :

Original URL : 7Days Rank on Dappradar : #5 ( Github Repository : Ported URL : (Updated)

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 600.00000 DAI (600.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been granted to @anish-agnihotri for this issue from @cedriking. ⚡️

Nice work @anish-agnihotri! Your tip has automatically been deposited in the ETH address we have on file.

cedriking commented 4 years ago

I have port dapps. Tokenlon

Original URL : 7Days Rank on Dappradar : #8 Ported URL :

Please complete the criterias on the bounty details 👍

developerfred commented 4 years ago

Yield Hero

Screen Shot 2020-06-30 at 14 29 26

Ported Url: Original Url:

cedriking commented 4 years ago

Hello @developerfred , they are many issues with the UI. Please solve those and re-submit.

olypros commented 4 years ago

@cedriking updated with gh repo and added on arweaveapps(dot)

wahyusmat commented 4 years ago

@cedriking Can you provide detailed information about the criteria that do not qualify for my submission? Do you have to make a new repo for this?

CrystalPony commented 4 years ago

I've ported the Balancer exchange.

There was an attempt to port it in the previous bounty, however the submission was rejected due to substantial UI issues, and upon further inspection it wasn't fully functional either as the pool data requests weren't working. The author's been quiet ever since, so I took it upon myself to make a working port.

My submission is fully functional, and has a complete UI. In fact I even fixed some UI issues that exist even now on the original front-end.

Original url: Permaweb url: Github repo: Dapp radar (#6 at the time of posting):

cedriking commented 4 years ago

Hello @CrystalPony , balancer exchange was already ported on the previous version of this bounty:

CrystalPony commented 4 years ago

Hello @CrystalPony , balancer exchange was already ported on the previous version of this bounty:

Oh dang, this is my bad. I didn't see that the author had fixed their submission.

Although I had checked ArweaveApps and it wasn't there (and that was one of the steps in the submission process for the previous bounty as well so I was sure that it wasn't accepted). My version is also superior, as that version still has minor UI problems (you'll see it if you open the Select Token To Buy popup), and it fails when fetching pools information (try swapping some tokens and you'll see, or rather you won't see, or just try selecting a token and you'll see "No pool" displayed below every token).

cedriking commented 4 years ago

Hey @CrystalPony , These new categories on ArweaveApps have been added only this week, for this new version of the bounty. Your version is superior in that it has less issues with UI for sure, and good work on that! But on the previous bounty this was less strict (one of the things that changed), and the previous publisher has been paid.

CrystalPony commented 4 years ago

Unless, the latest version hasn’t been ported and it’s substantially different from the previous version.

@cedriking I'm probably reaching, but perhaps I qualify by this? My version displays Balancer pools, and those are supposed to be the main feature of the exchange.

wahyusmat commented 4 years ago

I have port dapps. Tokenlon

Complete criteria :

  • [x] You must port the UI for an existing or new smart contract dApp to fully work, without UI or route issues, on the Arweave network.
  • [x] You need to add the permaweb dApp to on the platforms’ category. Right now we have ETH dapps and EOS dapps available.
  • [x] High-risk and gambling UIs are not allowed to participate in this bounty.
  • [x] Dapps that have already been ported on Arweave with the previous version of this bounty are not allowed to participate in this bounty. You can find that previous bounty here: #16

Original URL : 7Days Rank on Dappradar : #5 ( Github Repository : Ported URL : (Updated)

What about my submission @cedriking ? I need feedback if something needs to be completed. I have fulfilled all the required criteria. Please let me know if there is an incorrect UI.

New Update regarding UI Mobile.

igastatus commented 4 years ago

Hi @cedriking!

I ported KyberSwap. I have made some modifications to made it work when uploaded to Arweave, you can view GitHub repository to see which modifications I made.

GitHub: Arweave:


Please let me know if there are issues with this port of KyberSwap.

cedriking commented 4 years ago

@wahyusmat , it's not by category but by platform. Tokenlion is on 19th place on the ETH platform. Payouts are going out soon.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 10.00000 DAI (10.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been granted to @wahyusmat for this issue from @cedriking. ⚡️

Nice work @wahyusmat! Your tip has automatically been deposited in the ETH address we have on file.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 800.00000 DAI (800.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been granted to @igastatus for this issue from @cedriking. ⚡️

Nice work @igastatus! Your tip has automatically been deposited in the ETH address we have on file.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 900.00000 DAI (900.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been granted to @nezcich for this issue from @cedriking. ⚡️

Nice work @nezcich! Your tip has automatically been deposited in the ETH address we have on file.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 60.00000 DAI (60.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been granted to @crystalpony for this issue from @cedriking. ⚡️

Nice work @crystalpony! To redeem your tip, login to Gitcoin at and select 'Claim Tip' from dropdown menu in the top right, or check your email for a link to the tip redemption page.

CrystalPony commented 4 years ago

@cedriking Appreciate it!

rawakinode commented 4 years ago

Hi @cedriking . I has ported new version from Uniswap, thats Uniswap V2. Uniswap V2 has many new features and technical improvements compared with Uniswap V1 including:

For full details on the benefits of Uniswap V2 for liquidity providers and traders, please read the Uniswap V2 announcement blog post.

Check Uniswap V2 Ported : Git Rep :



Old Version (Uniswap V1)


skywhirl commented 4 years ago

Ported MakerDao OASIS platform, their new Multi Collateral Dai (MCD) dApp as their old CDP dApp portal is obsolete now. Ported their Dai Borrow, Save dApps. Unfortunately they have not open sourced their new token exchange "Trade" dApp yet. Please refer (only a landing page there). So for the Trade links in navs I had to put a redirect to their current url.

things done : Fixed react-navi routes across the app to work permaweb friendly, added base64 favicon

permaweb ui port : github :

apoorvlathey commented 4 years ago


Permaweb link: Repo:

No. 15 on DappRadar by Users:

No. 6 on DappRadar by Volume:

dzuqe commented 4 years ago

I've have ported the most recent version of Curvefi. But its a watered down version as I've stripped all the statistics pages and left only the exchanges. I tweaked the the codebase a bit to render all the routes correctly.

Arweave web: [LINK REMOVED] Github [LINK REMOVED]

cedriking commented 4 years ago

@aliceasuna94 Hello, Uniswap v2 has already been ported on the previous version of this bounty: , this one is not eligible. Thanks and good job 👍

rawakinode commented 4 years ago

OMG i am not see Uniswap v2 on previous version :D ... I am sorry. Can i port other dapps others protocol like TRON ?

cedriking commented 4 years ago

@aliceasuna94 only ETH and EOS allowed for now.

cedriking commented 4 years ago

@skywhirl need to verify with the team if this is enough as a crucial part of it is missing. The frontend/UI needs to be complete per ported dapps.

cedriking commented 4 years ago

@CodinMaster a big part of what Curve Finance is, is missing in this dapp.

@hydr063n your version is a lot closer to be fully functional. One issue that I noticed right away is that you have router issues. If you click one of the links and then try to reload, you will see an error page, this is due of your links being changed instead of using hashes.

dzuqe commented 4 years ago

@cedriking I have fixed the router issues. Thanks for the tip, the vue application was indeed using BrowserHistory and pushState to change the browser address. I have converted the dapp to use a Hash Router instead which ensures the page can be reloaded even after you have clicked around a couple of times.

I considered adding back all the stats functionality I had removed earlier (charts and stats) by serving dummy data on a server that allows Cross Origin access. Only a few of them rendered correctly so I only left those on the UI. They fail to render because I'm unable to find a way to register a service worker on the arweave port even though the javascript file is uploaded to arweave too. After digging around I found that a Foreign fetch for service workers was in the works but has been removed from Chrome Foreign Fetch

Otherwise what I've uploaded should work correctly. To minimize number of files uploaded I converted all the svgs into vue components. To get the images to work I replaced their link with the arweave link you get after deploy.

See the github with all the dapp changes GITHUB Arweave Link: ARWEAVE

cedriking commented 4 years ago

Hello @hydr063n please do not serve dummy data! The UI needs to be accurate, and having dummy stats is a really bad option. The issue is because of CORS, that explains it. Please remove the dummy stats and re-deploy to earn the reward.

dzuqe commented 4 years ago

@cedriking I've redeployed NEW ARWEAVE

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 50.00000 DAI (50.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been granted to @hydr063n for this issue from @cedriking. ⚡️

Nice work @hydr063n! Your tip has automatically been deposited in the ETH address we have on file.

skywhirl commented 4 years ago

@skywhirl need to verify with the team if this is enough as a crucial part of it is missing. The frontend/UI needs to be complete per ported dapps.

would be nice to hear feedback from the team. Thanks

sxfd commented 4 years ago

Hi, I ported Gnosis MultisigWallet to Arweave

Url: Source code:

Eth: 0x6f40f2d69880b5ba7ba876B59fefD3002BFB0386 AR: oUTkQMu6eXE2afGUJOD1nRQXTrsjrgau3G7vaVBJE9Y

CrystalPony commented 4 years ago

Hi, I've ported DeFis Network.

URL: Source code:

CrystalPony commented 4 years ago

I've ported the latest version of Synthetix exchange.

The prize for a dApp can be earned only once, if someone has already ported Uniswap for example, it’s not possible to port it again and earn another reward. Unless, the latest version hasn’t been ported and it’s substantially different from the previous version.

Synthetix exchange has already been ported, however there have been a number of updates since then, and the latest version that I've ported is indeed substantially different.












Overall, I believe that these changes make the new version substantially different, and the contract migration along with correctly calculated prices and fees make this update a necessity.

You can find the new version here as well as on arweaveapps:

Github repo:

CrystalPony commented 4 years ago

I've ported 2 more dApps:

Bancor Swap:


Band Protocol:


CrystalPony commented 4 years ago

I've also ported the new dapp:


gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 1940.00000 USDC (1940.0 USD @ $1.0/USDC) has been granted to @crystalpony for this issue from @arweave-sophie. ⚡️

Nice work @crystalpony! Your tip has automatically been deposited in the ETH address we have on file.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 10.00000 USDC (10.0 USD @ $1.0/USDC) has been granted to @sxfd for this issue from @arweave-sophie. ⚡️

Nice work @sxfd! Your tip has automatically been deposited in the ETH address we have on file.

dzuqe commented 4 years ago

hey @arweave-sophie @cedriking i've ported the following dapps

id organization dapp platform main page arweave page ranker notes github
1 cryptomaniacs zone ETH MAIN ARWEAVE NA NA github
2 cryptomaniacs zone ETH MAIN ARWEAVE N/A works after refresh (source unmodified) github
3 dexag ETH MAIN ARWEAVE N/A main site also doesn't work due to a CORS rejection (source unmodified) github
4 hegic hegic main site ETH MAIN ARWEAVE DAPPSRADAR main site is way more updated than the github repo (source unmodified) github
5 airswap explorer ETH MAIN ARWEAVE DAPPSRADAR unmodified github
6 vetherasset pools dapp ETH NA ARWEAVE NA unmodified github
CrystalPony commented 4 years ago

I've ported the MakerDao Oasis app.

The app is on dappsradar as MakerDao, and it's made of two parts on the original website: saving and borrowing app, and trading app. Only the first app is open-source so links to the trade app in my port lead to the original website and launch the trade app there.

Arweave link: Github:

sudeepb02 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I've ported the following apps on Arweave details of which can be found here: Arweave Dapps List I've ported these apps over time and submitted my work on earlier. Reposting the update here:

List of Dapps Ported to Arweave