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Arweave’s Perpetual Open Web Hackathon


Welcome to the perpetual, open permaweb hackathon!

At Arweave we firmly believe that the future of the new web should be open source for the benefit of users and developers alike. We want to help make this a reality, so we’re rewarding developers like yourself for building open source dApps on the permaweb!

The Arweave itself is a global, permanent hard drive. The permaweb is a decentralised, immutable web built on top of the Arweave. Permaweb apps are built using normal web technologies — HTML, CSS, and Javascript — but are deployed to Arweave’s on-chain storage system, making them permanent and available in a fast, decentralised manner. You can get started and deploy a permaweb app in 2 minutes or less.

Time investment: One afternoon to one weekend.

Please note that ALL submissions require approval via the Discord Open Web Hackathon channel.


$250 in ETH + $50 in AR A dynamic and interactive web application that is hosted on the permaweb, along with ideas that contribute added functionality to the permaweb eco system. For example: Arweave API explorer & ArweaveID. Ideas that resemble or improve on popular web applications such as AskWeave & Scribe are also encouraged, and all applications must include a nice looking UI. Applications whose core features rely on centralised dependencies are not accepted.


You can find the docs for getting started deploying your first permaweb app here.

The docs for the JS library that allows you to read from and write to the permaweb are here.

ArConnect wallet API docs can be found here. wallet source files can be found here.

We’re providing some free tokens so you can get started building and deploying - grab your wallet here. For guidance on how to use Arweave web wallets, check out this user guide.


Check out ArweaveApps to ensure your submission is substantially different from existing applications on the permaweb!

Successful submissions will meet the following criteria:

Reward details

The submission process

Please note, submissions will only receive a reward if they successfully meet the submission criteria listed above. If you have questions, holla at us on Discord!

Remember to join us on our developers’ Discord server to chat, and get feedback and assistance with building!