Aryamanz29 / Web-Ideas

“Ideas to create useful web components for your forthcoming project“ 💯
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components hacktoberfest hacktoberfest2022 hactoberfest-accepted html-css-javascript ideas open-source projects web web-development webapp website


“Ideas to create useful web components for your forthcoming project“

![-----------------------------------------------------]( PRs Welcome GitHub pull requests GitHub issues # `Available Web Ideas` ## * [Sahaj App](./android/sahajApp/) ## * [Play with CPP and OpenGL](./cpp/PlayWithCPPandOpenGL/) * [Scientific Calculator](./cpp/Scientif_CALc/) * [Zero Kata](./cpp/Zero_Kata/) ## * [Django Email Sender](./django/Django%20Email%20sender/) * [Password Generator](./django/PasswordGenerator-Django/) * [Poll App](./django/PollApp01/) ## * [Hardhat Boilerplate](./ethereum/hardhat-boilerplate/) ## * [Blog Site](./flask/BlogSite-Flask/) * [Live Video Streaming](./flask/LiveVideoStreaming-Flask/) ## * [Age Calculator](./js/Age_Calculator/) * [Background Color Changer](./js/Background-Color-Changer/) * [BMI Calculator](./js/Bmi-Calculator/) * [Calculator](./js/Calculator/) * [Car Game](./js/CarGame/) * [Color Guessing Game](./js/Color%20Guessing%20Game/) * [Color Guessor](./js/Color_Guessor/) * [Cipher](./js/Cipher/) * [Detective Game](./js/Detective-Game/) * [Dice Challenge](./js/Dice_Challenge/) * [District State Lookup](./js/DistrictStateLookup/) * [Drum Kit](./js/Drum-Kit/) * [Exchange Rate](./js/exchange-rate/) * [Expense Tracker](./js/expense-tracker/) * [Farming Portfolio](./js/farming-portfolio/) * [ID Tracker](./js/Id%20Tracker/) * [Item Lister](./js/Item_Lister/) * [JavaScript Quiz](./js/Javascript_Quiz/) * [jQuery To-do List](./js/jQuery%20todo%20list/) * [Dev Portfolio](./js/Khushboo%20Dev_Portfolio/) * [Memorizer Game](./js/Memorizer-Game/) * [Memory Game](./js/Memory_Game/) * [Music Player](./js/Music_Player/) * [Navbar](./js/Navbar/) * [Netflix Clone](./js/NetflixClone/) * [Nischay](./js/Nischay/) * [Note Taking Web App](./js/Note%20Taking%20Web%20App/) * [Notes++](./js/Notes%2B%2B/) * [Portfolio](./js/Portfolio_LakshyaGupta/) * [Redesigned Amazon Clone](./js/Redesigned%20Amazon%20clone/) * [Rock Paper Scissor](./js/rock-paper-scissor/) * [RecruitEasy](./js/RecruitEasy/) * [Scorekeeper](./js/scorekeeper/) * [Simon Game](./js/Simon_game/) * [Snake Game](./js/Snake%20Game/) * [Stopwatch](./js/Stopwatch/) * [Styled Cards](./js/Styled%20Cards/) * [Task List](./js/Task_List_JS/) * [Theme Toggler](./js/Theme_Toggler/) * [To-do List](./js/To%20Do%20List/) * [Tours Travels](./js/Tours_Travels/) * [Travel Website](./js/Travel-website/) * [Validation Form](./js/validation-form/) * [Weather App 1](./js/Weather%20App%20(HTML_CSS_JS)/) * [Weather App 2](./js/Weather_App/) * [Website Bookmark](./js/Website%20Bookmark/) ## * [Contact Form](./nodejs/contactForm/) * [DeLorean Mail](./nodejs/DeLorean-mail/) * [Newsletter Signup](./nodejs/Newsletter-signup/) * [Node](./nodejs/node-socketIo/) * [Weather Project](./nodejs/WeatherProject/) ## * [Card Flipper](./react/Card%20Flipper/) * [Dice Game](./react/Dice%20game/) * [Hangman](./react/Hangman/) * [Image Upload Preview App](./react/ImageUploadPreviewApp/) * [Jokes](./react/jokes/) * [Quiz App](./react/Quiz_app/) * [Random Quote Generator](./react/Random-quote-generator/) * [Portfolio](./react/RgnDunes%20Portfolio/) * [Sitcoholic Project](./react/sitcoholic-project/) * [To-do App](./react/to-do%20app/) ## * [Animations](./static-sites/animations/) * [Basic Home Page](./static-sites/Basic%20Home%20Page/) * [Chessboard](./static-sites/Chessboard/) * [Clock](./static-sites/clock/) * [Contact Us Page](./static-sites/Contact-Us%20Page/) * [Draggable Menu Navbar](./static-sites/Draggable_Menu_Navbar/) * [Easy Education](./static-sites/easy_education/) * [Festivals of Kolkata](./static-sites/Festivals%20of%20Kolkata/) * [Food Page](./static-sites/food%20page/) * [Form Page](./static-sites/Form-Page/) * [Fun Portfolio](./static-sites/Fun_Portfolio_2020/) * [Gallery](./static-sites/Gallery/) * [Hover Animation on Social-icons](./static-sites/Hover%20Animation%20on%20Social-icons/) * [Hue Loading Animation](./static-sites/Hue%20Loading%20Animation/) * [Image Modal](./static-sites/Image_Modal/) * [LinkTree Landing Page](./static-sites/LinkTree-Landing-Page/) * [Neumorphic Cloud](./static-sites/Neumorphic_Clock/) * [Online Shopping Portal](./static-sites/online_shopping_portal/) * [Original Trombone Orderpage Clone](./static-sites/original_trombone_orderpage_clone/) * [Parallax Moonlight Website](./static-sites/Parallax%20moonlight%20website/) * [Paramount Resorts](./static-sites/Paramount-Resorts/) * [PhotoGal Web](./static-sites/PhotoGal_web/) * [Ping Pong](./static-sites/ping-pong/) * [Portfolio Site Template](./static-sites/portfolio%20site%20template/) * [Portfolio Template](./static-sites/Portfolio-template/) * [Product Landing Page](./static-sites/Product_Landing_Page/) * [Responsive Landing Page](./static-sites/Responsive%20Landing%20Page/) * [Shopping Cart Page](./static-sites/Shopping%20cart%20page/) * [Simple Bio Template](./static-sites/Simple%20Bio%20Template/) * [Snowfall Parallax Animation](./static-sites/Snowfall%20Parallax%20animation/) * [Survey Form](./static-sites/Survey_Form/) * [Technical Documentation Page](./static-sites/Technical_Documentation_Page/) ## * [Dashboard Admin](./vue/dashboard-admin/) * [BMI Calculator](./vue/bmi-calculator/) ### How Can I Contribute? #### 1. If you don't have git on your machine, [install it]( #### 2. Fork this repository : Fork this repository by clicking on the fork button on the top of this page. This will create a copy of this repository in your account. #### 3. Clone the repository : Now clone the forked repository to your machine. Go to your GitHub account, open the forked repository, click on the code button and then click the _copy to clipboard_ icon. Open a terminal and run the following git command: ```sh git clone "" ``` #### 4. Add a upstream link to main branch in your cloned repository : ```sh git remote add upstream ``` #### 5. Keep your cloned repository upto date by pulling from upstream : This will also avoid any merge conflicts while committing new changes ```sh git pull upstream master ``` #### 6. Create your feature branch : Always create new branch ```sh git checkout -b ``` #### 7. Track your changes : ```sh git add . ``` #### 8. Check for your changes : ```sh git status ``` #### 9. Commit all the changes : Write commit message as "Small Message", Click Here to know about some commit's messages. ```sh git commit -m "Write a meaningfull but small commit message" ``` #### 10. Push the changes for review : ```sh git push origin ``` #### 11. Create a PR on Github : Just hit the create a pull request button, you must write a PR message to clarify why and what are you contributing. ![-----------------------------------------------------](

✨ A Special Thanks To The Contributors ✨
