As90909w / Coding-for-web-development

Hello! I am a 14 year old Linux and beta coder! This is the awesome Linux code source for Window 11, Mac OS, Mac X, And Chrome OS. You can manage student's devices when you run this repository! Please leave a star and fork this! You can make websites with this code. You can make Roblox, Windows 11 os managed software, YOU NAME It!
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

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.github/workflows/azure-webapps-node.ymlCodacy Security Scan

Jekyll site CICI

Code Coverage

AzureCloud - Full-Circle - EXO

AzureCloud - Full-Circle - O365

AzureCloud - Full-Circle - OD

AzureCloud - Full-Circle - PP

AzureCloud - Full-Circle - SC

AzureCloud - Full-Circle - SPO

AzureCloud - Full-Circle - TEAMS

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mips64le build status badge ppc64le build status badge s390x build status badge

Flutter CI Status codecov GitHub Repo size

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CII Best Practices OpenSSF Scorecard SLSA 1

THIS PROJECT WAS CERTIFIED WITH MICROSOFT AZURE [LOGO BELOW] Microsoft_Azure svg Use this repository site to create, elaborate, and c# coding.


HI Now fork this repository so you can use it to create stuff! And DONT FORGET TO STAR THIS!