AsadullahSamo / any-chat-client

This repository is client side part of my any-chat app
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Any Chat Project

Real-time application that allows users to message each other.

Any Chat Project preview image

Create code that matters! 🤩

Project brief

Dive into the realm of Any Chat, a real-time messaging platform that connects users in an instant digital conversation. With intuitive onboarding, this application offers a smooth and interactive chat experience, merging traditional chat dynamics with contemporary design and functionality.

What you will learn

Current App features

Upcoming features

We're constantly striving to enhance the Any-Chat experience and bring you exciting new features and improvements. Here's a sneak peek at what's coming soon:

and many many more.

Stay tuned for these exciting updates and more as we continue to evolve and grow Any-Chat based on your needs and preferences!

User Requirements

Happy coding! 🚀