Ashod / Now-Reading-Redux

The reincarnation of Now Reading Reloaded. A WordPress plugin to organize and advertise the books you read.
10 stars 4 forks source link

Now Reading Redux

Contributors: ashodnakashian Donate link: Tags: wordpress, books, widget, amazon Requires at least: 2.9.0 Tested up to: 3.4.2 Stable tag: trunk

Track and share books you read, are reading and plan to read, with Amazon integration and cover art and graphs reading statistics.


Now Reading Redux is a resurrection of the Now Reading Reloaded project by Ben Gunnink codebase, which was itself a fork/re-enlivening of Rob Miller's original Now Reading plugin. It was forked from Rob's code as of 4.4.4svn, in order to update its interface to work with Wordpress 2.7 and above.

With NRR, you can manage a library of your current books, as well as historical and planned books.

NRR depends on jQuery and assumes it already loaded by WP or your theme. Please use a sufficiently recent version, say 1.4 or newer, preferably the latest. The graph is generated using TufteGraph which depends on Raphaël. All necessary files are included, no additional libraries necessary (beyond jQuery).

The home of Now Reading Redux is You may find news and leave comments and requests there.

For issues, complaints and bugs as well as for development source code, please go to

For comments and suggestions and even bugs, you may leave a comment on the


Please backup your database before installing/upgrading. I try hard to make sure the releases are bug-free. However I can't perform extensive tests. If you find any bugs or have feature requests, please kindly report them at

  1. Upload now-reading-redux to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Optionally, make any changes to the provided template files and store them in your theme directory (see the "Template Files" section.)


  1. Just to be safe than sorry, backup your database.
  2. Deactivate any existing versions of now-reading or now-reading-reloaded.
  3. Install now-reading-redux as described below.
  4. Activate now-reading-redux.
  5. Your database will be updated and library restored as was previously.
  6. Go to the options page and set every option as necessary.

Note: After upgrading the widget, if used, may get removed. This may happen in some themes but not most. If it disappears, simply drag it where you'd like to see it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I upgrade from Now Reading or Now Reading Reloaded? How?

Please read the Upgrade section under Installation.

I found a bug, what should I do? (or, this plugin is broken!)

Please leave a note on the That is probably the easiest way. However, you may also log bugs on or on

Where is the old changelog?

Please find the original Now Reading Relaoded readme with the changelog in the readme.old file.

Why does NRR on your website ( look different from mine?

What the plugin ends up looking like is controlled mainly by two things: templates and CSS.

The templates folder contain a single php file for each page or element on the screen, with the exception of 'shelf.php' which renders the actual book shelves (starting with v6.5). With a little PHP and HTML knowledge it's relatively easy to customize these files to fit your needs. However, before doing that I urge you to look into the CSS and make the most of it, failing that, consider making a suggestion on the plugin homepage and everyone may benefit from your suggestion in an upcoming version.

The second method to control the look and style of NRR is via the CSS script. Starting with version 6.5 library, search and sidebar allow you to write a custom CSS script in the options page. The plugin is highly customizable if you know your CSS. For example, lists are rendered in a table-style (images only) using CSS.

I just updated to the latest version and some stuff got messed up. What's up with that?

With new versions new options are added for ease of use and flexibility. Every effort is done to keep backwards compatibility, however, in some cases this isn't possible. It's also desirable to cleanup and refactor old options.

To avoid problems and surprises, please revisit the NRR options page after every update. Check your old options and learn about the new ones. Sometimes default values aren't set correctly and therefore PHP defaults are effective. This sets some values to false and texts to blank.

Is searching for books broken?

If you get a warning such as "URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration" then you need to edit your PHP.ini file. Searching relies on PHP's file_get_contents() function. This function is subject to security permissions. Specifically, allow_url_fopen must be set to 'on' in PHP.ini (which is the default). More information here, file_get_contents's reference and allow_url_fopen's reference.

Note: Starting from v6.7.0 file_get_contents has been replaced by Snoopy/cURL controlled from the Options page.

How can I change the number of items shown in the sidebar?

Starting with version 6.5 there is an option that controls the maximum number of books shown for each shelf.

To customize older version, you'll have to change the query string in the section in question. Under the section heading in question, find the following line (exact values may be different): <?php if (have_books('status=unread&orderby=random&num=3')) : ?>

This is a PHP function call (named have_books) and the string between the quotes is the query string. To change the number of items returned by this call simply add "&num=4" (without the double quotes.) Here I chose to return 4 items, but you can set it to any number. If you set it to -1 you'll get all!

Here is how you may set it to return 7 finished books: have_books('status=read&orderby=finished&order=desc&num=7')

What are the attributes of nrr_shelf and what are the defaults?

Any number of attributes can be used. Leaving out an attribute gives it the default value.

style => [list*, numbered, table]. status => [unread, reading, onhold, read, all*]. orderby => [reading, read, onhold, finished*]. order => [asc, desc*]. search => A substring to match author, title. author => The author to show books by. title => The book title to show. rating => Book rating Between 1 and 10 inclusive. reader => The user's ID who added the book. started_year => The started year in decimal. started_month => The started month in decimal. finished_year => The finished year in decimal. finished_month => The finished month in decimal. num => The maximum number of items to show. -1 for all (default). viz => hide, show_text*, show_image, show_image_text. items_per_row => Number of books per row. Only for style=table. 1 by default.

Example: Default everything. Lists all titles and authors of books sorted by last-finished first.


Example: Lists titles and authors of books finished in the year 2011.

[nrr_shelf style="numbered" viz="show_text" status="all" num="-1" order="asc" finished_year="2011"]

Example: Lists titles and authors of books finished reading with a rating of 9.

[nrr_shelf style="numbered" viz="show_text" status="all" num="-1" order="asc" rating="9"]

Example: Covers of all books currently reading.

[nrr_shelf style="table" viz="show_image" status="reading" num="-1" order="asc" items_per_row="3"]

Example: Covers, titles and authors of all books in the library sorted by last-finished first.

[nrr_shelf style="list" viz="show_image_text" status="all" num="-1" order="desc"]

Example: Lists titles and authors of books started reading on or after April 2011, finished before or during November 2011 and has a rating of at least 8.

[nrr_shelf style="numbered" viz="show_text" status="all" num="-1" order="asc" rating=">=8" started_year="2011" started_month=">3" finished_year="<=2011" finished_month="<=11"]


  1. The book manager where all the books are visible, sorted by any of the columns, in both ascending and descending orders. Searching for -partial- book titles is supported. Author names are shortcuts to filter by that author only.

  2. The options page showing some of the new options available in Redux.

  3. The book search/add page is unchanged, but...

  4. The search results may return more editions than older versions of the plugin. Clicking "Use This Result" adds the book in question to the library.

  5. The library page showing statistics graph, which may be disabled from the options page.

  6. The side-bar widget showing read, current, on-hold and up-next books, link to the library and search box. The shelves visible, their titles and appearence styles are all controllable from the options page.

  7. The library page showing Planned books with the new option of showing both book images and text.


Upgrade Notice

Please read the changelog for reasons to upgrade.

Known Issues