This repository is for anyone who wants to HTML, CSS, JavaScript related projects for hacktoberfest.
Technologies 🛠️
You need to know HTML, CSS, JavaScript to be able to contribute
Setting up project on your machine ⚙️
- Fork this repository, Clone the forked repository on your machine and start working on issues
- Get an issue assigned by commenting below issues in issues section
Contribution Guide 🤠
- Pick up issues which interests you and start working on them
- When creating pull request keep title as "issue title", example="submit button working" and description with issueID as "fixes #issueID"
- If you find any bug or have new feature's idea then, create a issue with supporting description & details. If issue found relevant then, maintainers will react to it and you can start working on it
Help & Discussions 🙌
- Feel free to post any doubts you have regarding issues in the comments section for issues.