AshwinPrksh00 / Adapt-FuseNet

Repository for the implementation of the paper "Adapt-FuseNet: Context-aware Multimodal Fusion of Face and Gait Features using Attention Techniques for Human Identification"
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Adapt-FuseNet: Context-aware Multimodal Adaptive Fusion of Face and Gait Features using Attention Techniques for Human Identification


Repository for the implementation of the paper "Adapt-FuseNet: Context-aware Multimodal Fusion of Face and Gait Features using Attention Techniques for Human Identification" presented in IJCB 2023.

The paper proposes a new fusion architecture which in combination with attention techniques improves Human Identification by obtaining face and gait of the subject.

Paper Link: Coming Soon


The code is written in Python 3.10.



The study employed the use of both CASIA-A and CASIA-B dataset for training the model.
Data Folder structure and local machine set up will be revealed in the future.

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