AsimKhan2019 / CapStone_Project_Behance

I built this Behance Capstone project using HTML, Boot strap 5, and Java script. This project is about solar energy and solutions
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Project Name

This is the final Capstone Project that will determine if we qualify to move onto the next stage of our learning progrma or not. The capstone project is to recreate an already avaiable theme from Cindy Shin in Behance. The idea is to bring out the best of everything in your training and learning.

Built With

Live Demo (if available)

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


A GitHub Account Visual Studio Code


Create an empty repo Create 2 branches one main and the other features Then create a home page and about page of the portfolio Make both pages desktop and mobile responsive Load Featured Speakers dynamically in HTML


Add bundle.min.css.js and script js file from Bootstrap 5 website. Add references to the both the files in your index.html and about.html page. Start developing and deploying Bootstrap 5 elements and styles into your website.


Add all changes into the features branch Later add the changes made to the features branch Commit all changes to the features branch Add the message to the commit in the features branch Ensure that your email and username are setup in Visual Studio Code

Run tests

Create a pull request for both the master and features branch The pull request when test the compatibility of the merge If the merge is possible then the sign of ability to merge will be shown Click on create a new pull request The linters test will begin to run during the pull request If the test fails click on the details against the test and see where the error occured After fixing your code re-run the test again


After all the tests have succeeded, add comments to the pull request and save comment Leave the pull request open for review by peers


👤 Asim Mehmood Khan

🤝 Contributing

I have opened issues in the Issues section of the project. Feel free to add your comments to the issues

Show your support

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.