Askalot is a CQA (Community Question and Answer) system of next generation.
Clone and install.
git clone
cd askalot
bundle install
Copy and edit configuration files.
cp config/configuration.{yml.example,yml}
cp config/database.{yml.example,yml}
cp config/newrelic.{yml.example,yml}
There are two types of environments: university and mooc which are currently implemented as fiit and edx environments. You have to use this as suffix to standart development, test, staging, demo and production environment.
Create database, load schema and seed the database.
RAILS_ENV=fiit_development rake db:create db:structure:load DB_STRUCTURE=components/university/db/structure.sql db:seed
RAILS_ENV=edx_development rake db:create db:structure:load DB_STRUCTURE=components/mooc/db/structure.sql db:seed
Run specs with:
RAILS_ENV=fiit_test rake db:create db:structure:load DB_STRUCTURE=components/university/db/structure.sql
RAILS_ENV=fiit_test bundle exec rake rspec:test
RAILS_ENV=edx_test rake db:create db:structure:load DB_STRUCTURE=components/mooc/db/structure.sql
RAILS_ENV=edx_test bundle exec rake rspec:test
Tests will run either shared+university or shared+mooc tests.
The mapping of environments to the engines is in the config/environment.yml
git checkout -b new-feature
).git commit -am 'Add some feature'
).git push origin new-feature
).This software is released under the MIT License.