AspNetMonsters / Blazor.Geolocation

Blazor interop for browers Geolocation apis
MIT License
91 stars 25 forks source link


This package provides Blazor applications with access to the browser's Geolocation API

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1) In your Blazor app, add the AspNetMonsters.Blazor.Geolocation NuGet package

Install-Package AspNetMonsters.Blazor.Geolocation -IncludePrerelease

1) In your Blazor app's Startup.cs, register the 'LocationService'.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

1) Now you can inject the LocationService into any Blazor page and use it like this:

@using AspNetMonsters.Blazor.Geolocation
@inject LocationService  LocationService
<h3>You are here</h3>
Lat: @location?.Latitude <br/>
Long: @location?.Longitude <br />
Accuracy: @location?.Accuracy <br />

    Location location;

    protected override async Task OnInitAsync()
        location = await LocationService.GetLocationAsync();

Success! image