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use a different separator than page break (^L) #167

Closed chadwhitacre closed 11 years ago

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

Pretty much since the beginning people have been saying that ASCII page breaks are too weird. We relaxed the constraint to caret-ell as a result. @dcrosta rewrote the framework more or less to get a different separator. Whatever it is in Ruby that does something similar uses something different. The latest thready discussion is leaning the same way:

So let's maybe do that. How about the separator is \n----+(.*)\n, where the group is used as the specline (specifying which syntax the following page is).

meatballhat commented 11 years ago

Why not make the page break configurable? No matter what you choose, you'll have to think about how to let people escape it, so why choose at all? :smile_cat:

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@meatballhat Escaping it isn't the driving issue, it's "weirdness." We can escape with \, I think.

---- would start a new page. \---- would render as ----. \\---- would render as \----. \\\---- would render as \\----. \\\\---- would render as \\\----. etc.


chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

And I think this is a place for convention over configuration. I think ---- will be universally accessible enough that once we go that route we won't get demand for additional alternatives.

meatballhat commented 11 years ago

But what kind of favicon is ---- ???

in seriousness, :thumbsup:

Would this change make it any easier for folks to write syntax highlighting rules for various editors? Given, I really only care about vim, but figured I'd bring it up.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

I think the explicit file extension is more important for tool support than the page delimiter. Right now the algorithm for deciding if a file is a simplate is rather complicated. It's too much to ask tool authors to reproduce that algorithm in N tools. Much easier to look for .spt (and .sock?).

meatballhat commented 11 years ago

Being a multi-glot framework, is a single file extension enough? :wink:

.spt.{py,js,rb,go} is probably getting too silly, though...

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

For the foreseeable future we're going to have a different process for each language. If/when we ever have one process handling multiple languages, we can use hashbangs to specify the language per file.

meatballhat commented 11 years ago

I was thinking about the editor standpoint. How does one write a syntax rules to cover *.spt files with 4 (for now) potential languages in the first 1+ pages? This can most certainly get punted for this issue -- just thinking about the future :smile_cat:

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

Yeah, we'd have to parse hashbangs. That sounds a lot easier to me than sniffing for page breaks in potentially binary files.

meatballhat commented 11 years ago


sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

I am so -1 on this I'm probably -10. The purpose of using a framework is to have it so that someone can move from one project in it to another without having to concern themselves with the trivialities of the other project author's mental hobgoblins. Having all aspen projects use ^L or perhaps another page separator is fine with me but please don't make it configurable. Someone sufficiently insane could use a custom page separator FOR EACH FILE if you declare it in the hashbang. That's just insanity, and you might say "Oh but Ian, no one would ever do that", but you'd be wrong. :-)

Please please please don't do this.

meatballhat commented 11 years ago

@sigmavirus24 The shebangs are all about syntax highlighting, not configuration of page breaks, IIUC. Configurability of the page separator for an entire site (everything under the master process or whatever) is desirable IMO, but I can certainly see your point. I tend to prefer frameworks that let me break myself rather than trying to anticipate all of my problems. If the (globally!) configurable page break were left undocumented or the documentation made me feel bad about changing it, that'd be fine by me.

pjz commented 11 years ago

I don't care what the separator pattern is, but there should be one and only one (to facilitate toolage), and it should start and end with a newline (so we can put declarative data there). It being configurable-but-advisedly-not is, I guess, fine too.

sigmavirus24 commented 11 years ago

@meatballhat Sorry, I read that notification email before having sufficient coffee funds deposited. But yeah, I think aspen is young enough that it could be properly changed, I just feel dirty letting someone configure that. I can see, however, how ^L might be difficult for international users who may not have an L character though. Perhaps making it a "hidden" (but documented) feature would be a good way of doing it.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

Okay, decided:

Now, who wants to implement? :)

pjz commented 11 years ago

What's the escape character for?

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

The case where you want to send a literal \n----\n to the client. No?

Lucretiel commented 11 years ago

I'll go for it. What version of python are we supporting?

pjz commented 11 years ago

so \n----\n gets ignored as a simplate divider and instead is a literal \n----\n in whatever section it's in? Okay, sounds reasonable.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@Lucretiel Whoa, awesome! Thanks! :D

Right now we are Python 2.5 - 2.7. Do you IRC? We're in #aspen on Freenode.

lyndsysimon commented 11 years ago


I preferred the \n(.*)^L(.*)\n proposal myself.

Preferences aside, this sounds like a breaking change. Are you going to have a transitionary period when either syntax is allowed, or are you going to require that everyone either change their code or override the new syntax?

If it's the latter, how about a simple config option like OLD_STYLE_PAGEBREAKS in to ease things a bit?

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@lyndsysimon Since we're still pre-1.0, I think we should not encumber ourselves with backwards compatibility here. We'll bump from 0.22.x to 0.23.x, and we'll have to update our simplates for projects already using Aspen.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

Implementation discussion:

clone1018 commented 11 years ago

Guess this is useless now that we're already making the change, but I'm giving this my -1.

But hey, now that we're changing this, let's also remove the entire concept of file based routing, one big routes file would be good!


chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

/me observes moment of silence :disappointed:

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

Also, I think if there is only one page (zero page breaks) then we shouldn't do escaping.

When I post a hax0r.txt with:




.gov hax0r3d!!!!!!!!

And it's a plain txt file, not a simplate, then we should just pass it through unaltered.

joelmccracken commented 11 years ago

Not that it matters, really, but a bunch of emacs lispers put pagebreaks in their Elisp files. Its a common thing in the emacs community.

pjz commented 11 years ago

So what's the backward compatible setting for aspen.resource.SPLITTER ? r'\n^L(.*)\n' ?

Lucretiel commented 11 years ago

As I'm writing it now, just '^L' should work. My code automatically suffixes and prefixes as necessary. If you want to have it anywhere in the line, use '.*?^L'.

ianb commented 11 years ago

Kind of an aside, but many editors search for special comments to determine mode. In Emacs for instance -*- mode: aspen-python -*- or somesuch. It's kind of a terrible separator, but to the degree the separator is unique it might be possible to search a file for that separator on opening and change the editor mode. ---- isn't unique enough for that though.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@joelmccracken Yeah, I picked it up from an Emacs hacker in the first place (@warsaw). You can still use it in simplates if you want to, right? It'll be ignored as whitespace by most(?) syntaxes.

@ianb Yeah, for Aspen we'll end up with a "specline" after the ---- where you can set renderer and content type.

import foo
---- #!pystache text/plain
I'm pretty sure this is how {{ foo }} works.
chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

Also, I mentioned it in IRC but let's record it here too. The ---- can be variable length, because depending on the size of the simplate it's nice to have that longer or shorter. A small simplate like in the previous comment just needs ----, but for a complex simplate (e.g., stats in Gittip), it'll be nice to have a more significant break.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@ianb Though you could have -*- mode: aspen-python -*- at the top of your file to trigger a simplate multimode, right?

ianb commented 11 years ago

@whit537: sure, but I hate such editor-specific slugs, so if the file was unambiguous anyway it might not be necessary.

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@ianb Yeah, switching to an explicit .spt file extension (#148) should address that. Wanna pick that one up? :]

pjz commented 11 years ago

variable-length --'s are more likely to match elsewhere in the file. Any suggestions that are less likely to actually be found in, eg. Markdown ? (which is something someone could totally use as a templating language)

/-\5P3/\/ ? /\/\/\/\/\ ? _-=-_-=-_-=-_ ? \n<<-----(.*)----->>\n ?

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

@pjz But won't escaping still catch them?

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

I wanna just mash dash as much as I need. :)

pjz commented 11 years ago

sure, but that makes the developer escape every single case of multiple ---'s at the beginning of a line, which is all over the place in Markdown.

pjz commented 11 years ago

I'm really liking ^L more and more :)

ianb commented 11 years ago

I never write ^^^^ for other reasons. But ^_^ is perhaps better.

clone1018 commented 11 years ago

+1 for ^L

ArmstrongJ commented 11 years ago

Very sad to see ^L go, partially for nostalgia, but mostly because I had thought it a) worked fine and b) was more noticeable than four dashes. Additionally, I'm not looking forward to going back through my simplates to change them...

+1 for ^L

Lucretiel commented 11 years ago

Guys guys guys don't forget that ---- is only treated as a page separator at the BEGINNING of a line. Anywhere else and its ignored by the parser. Also keep in mind that it must have a minimal length of 4 dashes.

Lucretiel commented 11 years ago

I'd like to put in- again- for "grab first line" as the delimiter. Similar to regex / anchors or cat <<EOF

chadwhitacre commented 11 years ago

I'm seeing five issues:

  1. @ArmstrongJ and @clone1018 still like ^L. (@pjz is just trolling us for bike-shedding. ;) )
  2. @Lucretiel is advocating for specifing the delimiter in the first line of the file.
  3. @Lucretiel is advocating in IRC for multiple files instead of multiple pages (this came up on the Reddit thread as well)
  4. @pjz raises a valid point about ---- conflicting with text formats such as Markdown and reST.
  5. We need to account for the specline.
  6. We need to make tooling easy.


Both times that Aspen has gotten any conversation going around it, the page break has been a big stumbling-block. Check out this HN thread from two years ago, and then compare it with yesterday's Reddit thread. People are really hung up on ^L. @dcrosta hated it so much that he wrote Keystone.

It's time to bite the bullet and move on.

Furthermore, I think Aspen is still early enough in its growth curve (despite its age) that we don't want to encumber the codebase with full-blown backwards-compatibility. We're still pre-1.0. If we can come up with a solution that allows for undocumented hacking of the delimiter in a way that lets @ArmstrongJ and others continue using Aspen with their old-skool simplates, I'm all for it. I'm thinking of a code snippet you can drop in

First Line as Delimiter

I'm -1 on this, because I don't want to make the delimiter officially configurable at all. As mentioned before, I see the page delimiter as a clear place for convention over configuration. Had I chosen a better delimiter in the first place we would never be debating this now. We need "one right way" to do this, so that we have a stable foundation for the tooling ecosystem we need to build next. ;)

Multiple Files

This is too big a change to be in scope here. We can discuss that on a new ticket if desired but can't let that bog us down here.

Conflicts with Markdown, etc.

This is a valid point. The two places in Markdown where ---- is used are h2s and hrs. Both also support alternatives (## Foo for h2, and **** or - - for hr). The case is similar in reStructuredText.

One possibility is to proceed as planned (----+), and require people to escape any ---- in Markdown or use the alternatives.

Another possibility is to modify the delimiter slightly so as not to conflict. We would still provide escaping.


Content pages in Aspen can have two parameters set in the so-called "specline," which comes after the delimiter and before the newline. Right now it looks like this:

import foo
^L #!pystache text/place
{{ foo }}

That tells Aspen to use the pystache "renderer," and to serve the result as Content-Type: text/plain.

We don't need arbitrary key:value headers in the specline; those are the only two parameters we need to account for. We do need to account for them, though.


The solution we come up with needs to be easy to build tooling on top of. Primarily this means text editor plugins for .spt files that will use different modes for different parts of the page. I don't know how well multimodes are supported in various editors. My pessimistic expectation is that it's kind of kludgy and we'll have to fix editors to really make Aspen plugins work perfectly.


Okay, so here's what I propose:

import foo
bar =
[-----------------------------] text/plain via pystache
{{ bar }}

That's [----] for the basic delimiter.

I don't know enough about writing editor plugins to say whether this makes it easy or not. Does anyone have experience here? I may revisit aspen-vim and/or aspen-emacs to spike this out a bit.

Lucretiel commented 11 years ago

For those curious, here's my progress on the ------- (no []) style delimiters

meatballhat commented 11 years ago

:thumbsup: to the closing bulleted list in @whit537's latest comment. I also don't know enough about writing editor plugins, but my one experience creating some syntax highlighting for a proprietary template language in vim tells me it's probably not completely bonkers.

Lucretiel commented 11 years ago

I'm gonna start implementing this this weekend. I think for my first pass I'm gonna set it up so that the specline can be any arbitrary string between then separator and the newline, and hand off the parsing to the individual resource types On Mar 28, 2013 9:13 PM, "Dan Buch" wrote:

[image: :thumbsup:] to the closing bulleted list in @whit537's latest comment. I also don't know enough about writing editor plugins, but my one experience creating some syntax highlighting for a proprietary template language in vim tells me it's probably not completely bonkers.

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warsaw commented 11 years ago

On Mar 28, 2013, at 12:03 PM, Chad Whitacre wrote:

@joelmccracken Yeah, I picked it up from an Emacs hacker in the first place (@warsaw). You can still use it in simplates if you want to, right? It'll be ignored as whitespace by most(?) syntaxes.

Interesting to read this thread! I can't contribute anything worthwhile to the Aspen decision, but as a historical note, I'll mention that I very definitely picked up the habit of adding ^L to files for navigation from my pre-Python-hacking days as an Emacs hacker. Having Python treat ^L as whitespace (i.e. basically ignore it) was one of the first thing I lobbied Guido to add, probably at the very first workshop in 1994, where we also discussed adding the docstrings feature a la Emacs Lisp.