Assasans / found-footage

Content Warning mod that adds real lost footage from other players to your Old World.
MIT License
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Same video over and over again when recovering cameras #1

Closed Adrygag95 closed 3 months ago

Adrygag95 commented 3 months ago


I'm always getting the same video of one blue player with (º_`) face playing by himself and dying to some machine wheels. All my found footage cameras display that video no matter what. Even between matches and saves. Looks like a test webm for development??

Assasans commented 3 months ago


There was a bug on the server, so new videos weren't being added to the database, only to the object store. I regenerated the rows, so this is fixed now. The problem with getting the same video is because I use video_id < random_uuid to get random video. This introduces bias when there are few videos. I'll fix this in a future release.

Adrygag95 commented 3 months ago

Oh thank you so much! Our friends and I had a good laugh tho even with the bug. Very creative mod, thank you for the hard work!