Assasans / found-footage

Content Warning mod that adds real lost footage from other players to your Old World.
MIT License
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Suggestion: Save UserId and WarningShown outside of config folder #18

Closed RuiNtD closed 2 months ago

RuiNtD commented 2 months ago

The UserId and WarningShown options should be saved outside the config folder, so they don't get reset when importing into r2modman / Thunderstore App, and so they don't get shared with other users when exporting with r2modman / Thunderstore App.

Assasans commented 2 months ago

I thought about it, but not sure if it is ok for mod to write outside config directory. I guess AppData/Roaming/Landfall/Content Warning/MOD_GUID.cfg would be good for persistent configs (although by default there is no Landfall/Content Warning directory). Or something like BepInEx/persistent-config/.

Assasans commented 2 months ago

Implemented in b0cdd5d, available in v0.3.1.

RuiNtD commented 2 months ago

If you wanted to use it, the game actually saves to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Landfall Games\Content Warning(LocalLow, not Roaming)

RuiNtD commented 2 months ago

Seems like you would have to actually save the data outside the BepInEx folder. The files are still included in r2modman / Thunderstore exports. 7zFM_ksIDT3dPfX

RuiNtD commented 2 months ago
